簡介Curriculum Vitae 

謝旻儕 博士  Min-Chai Hsieh, Ph.D.

謝旻儕博士畢業於國立臺南大學數位學習科技學系,目前任職於台南應用科技大學多媒體動畫系,曾任研發處學術暨產學合作中心主任,同時亦擔任「教育部5G新科技學習示範學校」輔導教授及計畫審查委員,以及「教育部高級中等學校科技輔助自主學習計畫」輔導教授。在105年度榮獲國立屏東大學傑出校友殊榮以及109學年度榮獲台南應用科技大學院級教學卓越教師。主要研究範疇為XR延展實境(AR擴增實境、VR虛擬實境、MR混合實境)、互動多媒體設計、數位學習及情感運算。致力於延展實境技術及數位媒體設計應用整合,將延展實境應用於資訊科技與數位媒體內容設計。 目前發表著作共七十餘篇期刊論文,其中包括SSCI、SCI及EI,並擔任Computers & Education、Journal of Computer Assisted Learning、Interactive Learning Environments等國際期刊審稿委員。

Dr. Hsieh is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Multimedia and Animation at Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan. He has published more than 70 academic papers and two professional books. One of the professional books titled, “Augmented reality is so fun! A new technology application combining virtuality and reality,” was the first literature about augmented reality in Taiwan. Dr. Hsieh serves as a reviewer for more than 10 academic journals. His research interests include augmented reality, virtual reality, interactive multimedia design, digital learning and affective computing.

學歷 Educational Background 

國立臺南大學 理工學院 數位學習科技學系 博士 (2008/9~2013/7)

National University of Tainan, Department of Information and Learning Technology, Ph.D.

國立臺南大學 理工學院 數位學習科技學系 碩士 (2006/9~2008/6)

National University of Tainan, Department of Information and Learning Technology, M.S. 

E-mail: shiehminchai@gmail.com