De Agostini Millennium Falcon Upgrades

Hey there! Just to let you know that this particular site is no longer being updated. All content has been moved over to my new site: Update your bookmarks today!

De Agostini's 1:43 “studio scale” model of the 32" Millennium Falcon isn't a bad kit on the whole. Admittedly it has a lot of enh parts, is pretty damn expensive, and isn't as crisply moulded as perhaps one would like. And the interior parts are kind of crappy and toylike. But to be fair, it serves as an excellent base for you to make that huge and detailed Millennium Falcon of your nerdy dreams!

But since it does need a lot of work, lots of people have stepped in with after-market add-ons for improving the product. I'm not going to list all the actual parts, because frankly there are so many it'd be an insane job. However, I'm posting this page for listing third-party makers of superdetailing parts.

If you want to add stuff to this page, please feel free to edit the sheet. I just ask everyone to be decent and respectful and not screw up the page, or else I'll have to lock it down and permit editors only.

Since this is a publicly editable page, I cannot take responsibility for whether these makers or products are any good. This is a directory; nothing more!

Also, while Age of Plastic is my site, I'm not exactly in this game to make a ton of money, so I hope that this page will be filled with all kinds of links to everybody interested in improving this kit. All welcome. Thank you!

De Agostini Millennium Falcon superdetailing parts