Currently Supervising

Dr. Jiabao Wang, CW3E/SIO (Researcher, Jan. 2021 - Present) 

Dr. Agniv Sengupta, CW3E/SIO (Researcher, Jan. 2022 - Present)

Dr. Zhiqi Yang, CW3E/SIO (Postdoctoral Scholar, Apr. 2023 - Present)

Formerly Supervisor to:

Thesis Committee Service

CW3E S2S Team

Dr. Jorge Baño Medina (Postdoctoral Scholar)

Mr. Christopher Castellano (Researcher) 

Dr. Rachel Clemesha (Project Scientist)

Dr. Mike DeFlorio (Researcher - S2S Team Lead)

Dr. Luca Delle Monache (CW3E Deputy Director of Research)

Dr. Alexander Gershunov (Researcher)

Dr. Kristen Guirguis (Project Scientist)

Dr. Julie Kalansky (CW3E Deputy Director of Operations)

Mr. Brian Kawzenuk (Programmer/Website Lead)

Ms. Wen-shu Lin (Graduate Student)

Dr. Rosa Luna Niño (Postdoctoral Scholar)

Dr. Ming Pan (Researcher)

Dr. F. Martin Ralph (CW3E Director)

Dr. Agniv Sengupta (Researcher - Machine Learning Team Lead)

Dr. Jiabao Wang (Researcher)

Dr. Zhiqi Yang (Postdoctoral Scholar)

Dr. Zhenhai Zhang (Researcher)

Key S2S Partners/Collaborators

ECMWF:            Dr. Frederic Vitart

IRI: Dr. Andrew Robertson

NASA JPL:         Dr. Duane Waliser, Dr. Alexander Goodman

NASA GMAO:    Dr. Andrea Molod

Stony Brook University: Dr. Hyemi Kim

U. Arizona: Dr. Xubin Zeng

U. Colorado:      Dr. Aneesh Subramanian

UCLA:               Dr. Bin Guan, Dr. Dennis Lettenmaier

CW3E S2S Alumni

Dr. William Chapman (ASP Postdoctoral Fellow, NCAR)

Dr. Peter Gibson (Climate Scientist, NIWA)   

Dr. Aneesh Subramanian (Assistant Professor, U. Colorado Boulder)