

I'm currently head of the Wildlife Ecology and Management Research Group at the Department for Forestry, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. I'm also working as a visiting researcher at Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Germany (IZW) and serving as carnivore expert for the IUCN SSC (the Canid Specialist Group and the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe).

My research focus is in studying ecology of larger mammals, especially the effects that large predators have on their prey and the interspecific interactions among large carnivores. I have done most of my work on Eurasian lynx, leopard, snow leopard, lion, European wildcat, brown bear, grey wolf, and golden jackal, focusing primarily on their ecology, conservation and conflicts with people. To lesser extent I'm participating in research on cheetahs, black-backed jackals, Alpine chamois, red deer, ravens and raptors, reptiles, amphibians and ecology of terrestrial scavengers.

Miha Krofel, PhD
