
Miha Krofel - Photography

I am amateur wildlife photographer. My main focus are terrestrial vertebrates, but I'm also starting to do more work on invertebrates, plantlife and landscapes. I'm particularly interested in capturing different animal behaviour in their natural environment. Favourite "photo-hunting" grounds of mine are Dinaric forests and Eastern Alps.

I publish my work mainly in Slovenian nature magazines (Gea, National Geographic Slovenija, National Geographic Junior, Lovec, Proteus, Svet ptic, Kalle etc.), newspapers, calendars, books and websites. Occasionally are my photographs also published in international magazines (e.g. BBC Wildlife, Der Anblick, Pirsch).

Most of my wildlife photographs can be viewed in my photo gallery on this site:

Miha Krofel - Wildlife Photography

Please note that all material is copyrighted so do contact me, if you want to use any of the photos.

Miha Krofel, PhD
