Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race
3rd Annual Fun Run
May 30-June 5, 2010
"Working Man's Edition"
Race Motto: "When six days just isn't enough...and 8 days is too much."
This event is still an informal fun run with no registration fee or formal awards. People run and walk as much as they like at the Buffalo Trace trails, report their miles to the race coordinator, and get listed in the results. You must accumulate at least 5 miles every day of the event to be considered an active participant.
ENORMOUS CHANGE FOR 2010...this is now the "working man's edition" of the stage race. People cannot run and walk during "regular work hours" of 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. During the "work week," only miles accumulated before 8am and after 5pm (but still within open park hours) will count toward your total. Since Monday, May 31 is Memorial Day, we get one extra full day of running! That means, Tuesday through Friday, you can only participate from 5am-8am and 5pm-10pm (total of 8 "open hours" each day). Weekend and holidays are still a free for all (during open park hours) so you can run from 5am-10pm on the Sunday, Monday, and Saturday of the event (that would be days 1, 2, 7). Here is your chance to see how many miles you can get in one week...while still working a full time job!
Understand when you can run and walk?
Sunday = 5am-10pm
Monday (Memorial Day) = 5am-10pm
Tuesday-Friday = 5am-8am, 5pm-10pm
Saturday = 5am-10pm
For more information, contact Chris at <chrism42k@yahoo.com>