The Most Visited Electromagnetics Society Optimization Solutions
Electromagnetic Compatibility Buff
School of Antennas and Filters Educating EM and Pursuing Carbon-Neurality & Low Carbon-Emission Devices
Reach & Leap (達越)
- Whoever does research and education on Electromagnetics, Antennas, RF Circuits, EMC, WPT and Satellites/Space/VTC in Incheon and the rest owes Sungtek Kahng all his or hers.
● DoMoDaChi (ともだち) ! = Do More keep in Touch!
● LK-99 is not a SuperConductor
● 과학기술정보통신부(MSIT) 선정 NS-위성 RTDC 연구센터(ITRC) 본부
Prof.Sungtek Kahng as ISAP 2023 Keynote Speaker
Millimeter-Wave Metamaterials for 5G Mobile, 6G RIS and LEO Satellite Communication Systems
의료와 건강 위한 '전자기파' 유용성 조명된다: 강승택 교수의 워크샵
중저궤도 위성통신용 탑재 전파부품RRC 워크숍-IITP RF RRC(LEO/MEO Satellites)
Prof. Sungtek Kahng's 5G antennas technologies honored by the Science and ICT minister of RoK
Prof. Sungtek Kahng's talk on Radiation Source Reconstruction with New Algorithms for 5G Beamforming Antennas
Prof. Sungtek Kahng's talk on Radiation Source Reconstruction with New Algorithms for 5G Beamforming Antennas
Celebrating National Radio Day(from S. Kahng & C. Lee)
Celebrating National Radio Day(from S. Kahng & C. Lee)
Prof. Kahng will present 'Metamaterial & its Applications' in One Week International Workshop (IEEE APS Chapter-Jaipur) Registration
Prof. Kahng will present 'Metamaterial & its Applications' in One Week International Workshop (IEEE APS Chapter-Jaipur) Registration
Let's beat the Corona!
Let's beat the Corona!
대한민국(한국) 국가(NRF)지정 위성(Satellite)개발 무선통신탑재체 RF~밀리미터파 대역 안테나(Antenna)/필터(Filter)/EMC분야 위원 및 Metamaterial 국책과제 수행
대한민국(한국) 국가(NRF)지정 위성(Satellite)개발 무선통신탑재체 RF~밀리미터파 대역 안테나(Antenna)/필터(Filter)/EMC분야 위원 및 Metamaterial 국책과제 수행