초청강연 : Metamaterials, Periodic Structures and EBG for Antennas, RF and EMC Solutions / 2018 IEEE INDIAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNA AND PROPAGATION (INCAP 2018)
Post date: 2018. 11. 25 오전 5:00:27
Biography: Prof. Sungtek Kahng received his Ph.D. degree in electronics engineering and communication engineering from Hanyang University, Korea in 2000, with a specialty in radio science and engineering. From 2000 to early 2004, he worked for the Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute on numerical electromagnetic characterization and developed RF passive components/antenna feed assemblies for satellites. In March 2004, he joined the Department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering at the Incheon National University where he has continued research on analysis and advanced design methods of microwave components and antennas, including metamaterial technologies, MIMO communication, 5G beamforming antennas and wireless power transfer. He is the Antenna and Microwave area evaluator of Korean Satellite Development Programs invited by NRF, while having worked as a consulting professor for Samsung Electronics, Acetechnology, Amotech, Innertron and serving as the general chair for APCAP 2019.