Welcome to the Middletown Ramblers Square Dance Club's Home Page
The Middletown Ramblers, founded in 1970, teaches and promotes Western style square dancing in Middletown, NJ. We dance at Plus level every Friday night and conduct classes on Tuesdays from September thru Mid-June. Couples and singles are both welcome.We feel new dancers and students are the life blood of a square dance club. Every effort is made to accommodate these people and make them both welcome and comfortable. We do this by having class level dances and modified Plus dances during the summer. These summer dances include workshops, reviews and caller-led instruction on calls missed during the regular Tuesday instructions.
We Have Hearing-Enhancement Equipment
Middletown Ramblers - Friday Night Dance
Squares called by: NO DANCE
Date &Time: Friday, March 28, 2025
Square Dance from 7:30 - 9:30
Place: Middletown Senior Center - Croydon Hall
900 Leonardoville Rd
Leonardo, NJ 07737
Dance Theme:
Program: Class Level Mainstream & one Plus
Featured Calls: Pl: Linear Cycle, Coordinate
MS: Circle to a Line
NNJSDA Calendar: https://nnjsda.org/nnjsda_events_calendar.html
Barn Dance - Open House 6:45 - 9:00
Middletown Ramblers invite new dancers to our annual Barn Dance the last Friday in September in the Activity Barn at Thompson Park, Route 520, Lincroft. No experience necessary, the Caller will teach all the calls.
This is a free event offered by the Monmouth County Park System and the Middletown Ramblers Square Dance Club.