Fiero Dutch Classic 2019


2019 Fiero Dutch Classic Show, Swap Meet and Annual Club Meeting at Neffsville, PA

This year’s event is on Saturday, September 21, 2018 at the Manheim Township Community Park. The show will be part of the Lancaster Northeast Rotary’s 18th Annual Neffsville Car Show. The Rotary Club is allowing us to have our show within their show, and will again provide reserved parking and free use of the same large pavilion in the lower corner of the show grounds for our cars and swap meet. At the end of the day we will also host our MAFOA Annual Club Meeting

Pre-registration cost for all is $18 and may be done at the link above. This covers your entry fee to the Neffsville show, free burger/fries/ soda from the concession stand, show prizes, live music of the 50s and 60s, and the FREE entry to the MAFOA show. Participants are encouraged to bring parts/collectibles/literature/manuals etc. for the swap meet or as donations to the club’s raffle table. Pre-registration is due September 14, 2018. Day-of-event registration is $25 at the Rotary’s gate. This is a rain or shine event with the show field opening at 9 am and closing at 4 pm.

The Neffsville show is in Amish country and is awash with hospitality and friendliness. There will be hundreds of other show cars to see with auto and food vendors at the top of the show field. Don’t miss the Amish baked goods and chicken. The event will again feature live music of the 50s and 60s and a large number of great prizes handed out by the Rotary Club.

The MAFOA Reserved Pavilion has its own parking away from the main show field in the shade of trees… and real close to the restrooms. It is adjacent to the Rotary show field and offers a spectacular view of many fine stock and custom show vehicles. Our sister club, the Susquehanna Valley GTO’s will again be our neighbors... be sure to give them a hard time and a dig or two.

MAFOA Classes are: Stock Notchback / Fastback, Custom Notchback / Fastback, Modified Notchback / Fastback, and Daily Driver. Classes may be split if pre-entries warrant. A “Best of Show” award will also be given as well as the usual special awards.

MAFOA Swap Meet: Typically nearly the entire pavilion is filled with club members’ parts and collectibles for sale or swap. Tom Derr will have his vast array of parts, manuals, literature; die cast cars and other collectibles there again. A little or a lot… makes no matter, bring out what you no longer need… make a member happy and get some return.

MAFOA Club Raffle: There will be a table full of raffle prizes as usual. This is a good place to pick up many stock replacement parts for your Fiero. Thanks again goes to our prime show Sponsor Freysinger Buick / GMC for the 5th year. Thanks also go to Board Members and club members who have made generous donations through the years as well.

MAFOA Club Meeting: Club Officers will be nominated and elected at the meeting. Plans will be outlined for the coming year, and other club issues will be discussed. This is your chance to be heard and to help plan the direction of your club for the future. We welcome nominations and new additions for the upcoming year’s board. If you would like to help the club out as a board member or in another volunteer capacity, please do not hesitate to contact Jen Goss at or call her at 540-487-1287.

In closing, this show continues to be a growing club event with plenty to see and do. We hope to see your Fiero (you can come too) for a day of fun and Fieros at Neffsville. Mark it on your calendar, git ‘er out, git ‘er done and have sum fun. We look forward to seeing you and your car, so come on out to enjoy your Fiero community and friends.

As always, keep ‘em on the road

More details to come! In the meantime, read here about last year's show.