Metro Leagues 2017

Welcome to the 2017 Metro Leagues.


Once again, thank you to Rev. VanderMeer for all your dedication and work to make this happen!


Our host is once again GR Innovation Central.

Address: 421 Fountain St NE

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Please use the side parking lot off of Fountain for parking.

Thank you to Mr. Frost, Ms. Schuler, and Ms. McCready for hosting us.

Thank you previously to East Kentwood and Forest Hill Central for hosting.

Welcome Letter


All are Wednesdays throughout October and November.

October 18

October 25

November 1

November 8

November 15* (longer night - with awards)


Judge Ethics Form (google doc)

Blank Ballot

Judge Philosophy Forms Google Doc


Please note we are willing to host another banquet with your help. Please visit this link to confirm if

you would like to participate.


Week 1 Ballots - Rounds 1 and 2 10/18/2017

Week 2 Ballots - Rounds 3 and 4 10/25/2017

Week 3 Ballots - Rounds 5 and 6 11/1/2017 *

*Please note: There are several ballots that will need updating. We've emailed several judges to address (minor) issues on the ballots. One is also still to be sent in. Once we hear back, we will update. Please also note these ballots do not account for forfeits and the like.

Week 3 is still in draft form. Awaiting a few more responses.

Week 4 Ballots - Rounds 7 and 8 11/8/2017

Week 5 Ballots - Rounds 9 and 10 11/15/2017

Tab Sheet 2017


For the first 4 weeks - our schedule will tentatively be:

General Meeting 3:10-3:20.

Round I: 3:30 (or as close to it as we can).

Round II: 5:15 (or as close to it as we can).

For the final night - we will add awards at 8:00pm. We expect to be done by 8:45pm. There will be an optional banquet that final night while we patiently await tabulation for results.


- Share

- Care

- Involve and Include. Access.

- 8 minute constructives, 5 minute rebuttals, 3 minute cross-examinations

- 8 minutes for preparation time

- Judges - be mindful of technology for both you and your debaters. save tech usage. Judges - give the students your undivided attention during the speeches.

- Take care of the rooms. Affirmatives you are responsible for the room to be completely clean at the end of the night! No touching teacher's stuff!

Judge Information

Judge Philosophy Forms (blank) Google Doc PDF Below

These forms outline the views of our judges. This allows our judges to flush out and make transparent any biases plus help the students adapt to any preferences.

Completed Judge Philosophy Forms - By Judge

As judges complete these forms, we will post for student and coach use.