
Peer-reviewed journals


Miangolarra, A. M. & Castellana, M. On non-ideal chemical-reaction networks and phase separation, Journal of Statistical Physics 190, 23 (2023). Publisher's version, arXiv version


Miangolarra, A. M., Hsin-Jung Li, S., Joanny, J.-F., Wingreen, N. S. & Castellana, M. Steric interactions and out-of-equilibrium processes control the internal organization of bacteria, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118, e2106014118 (2021). Publisher's version, arXiv version

Ilker, E., Castellana, M. & Joanny, J.-F. Long-time diffusion and energy transfer in polydisperse mixtures of particles with different temperatures, Physical Review Research 3, 023207 (2021). Publisher's version, arXiv version

Miangolarra, A. M., Duperray-Susini, A., Coppey, M. & Castellana, M. Two timescales control the creation of large protein aggregates in cells, Biophysical Journal 120, 2394 (2021). Publisher's version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. Metodi di massima entropia, Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza XVI, 139 (2020). Publisher's version

Agliari, E., Sáez, P. J., Barra, A., Piel, M., Vargas, P. & Castellana, M. A statistical inference approach to reconstruct intercellular interactions in cell migration experiments, Science Advances 6, eaay2103 (2020). Publisher's version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. Reply to comment on 'Real-space renormalization-group methods for hierarchical spin glasses', Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53, 418002 (2020). Publisher's version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. Real-space renormalization-group methods for hierarchical spin glasses, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52, 445002 (2019). Publisher's version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. & Nguyen, J. Optimal localization patterns in bacterial protein synthesis, Physical Review E 98, 032417 (2018). Publisher's version, arXiv version

Castellana, M., Symmetry reduction of the three-body problem based on Euler angles, Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 042901 (2018). Publisher's version, arXiv version


Castellana, M., Hsin-Jung Li, S. & Wingreen, N. S. Spatial organization of bacterial transcription and translation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 9286 (2016) Publisher's version, arXiv version

Castellana, M., Bialek, W., Cavagna, A. & Giardina, I. Entropic effects in a nonequilibrium system: Flocks of birds Physical Review E 93, 052416 (2016). Publisher's Version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. & Parisi, G. Non-perturbative effects in spin glasses, Scientific Reports 5, 8697 (2015) Publisher's version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. & Barbieri, C. Hierarchical spin glasses in a magnetic field: A renormalization-group study, Physical Review B 91, 024202 (2015) Publisher's version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. Rigorous results for hierarchical models of structural glasses Journal of Statistical Physics 157, 219 (2014). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. & Bialek, W. Inverse spin glass and related maximum entropy problems Physical Review Letters 113, 117204 (2014). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M., et al. Enzyme clustering accelerates processing of intermediates through metabolic channeling Nature Biotechnology 32, 1011 (2014). Publisher's Version

Castellana, M. Extreme-value distributions and the freezing transition of structural glasses Physical Review Letters 112, 215701 (2014). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M., Barra, A. & Guerra, F. Free-energy bounds for Hierarchical Spin Models Journal of Statistical Physics 155, 211 (2014). Publisher's Version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. & Zarinelli, E. Role of Tracy-Widom distribution in finite-size fluctuations of the critical temperature of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass Physical Review B 84, 144417 (2011). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. & Zdeborová, L. Adversarial Satisfiability Problem Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2011, P03023 (2011). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M., Decelle, A. & Zarinelli, E. Extreme value statistics distributions in spin glasses Physical Review Letters 107, 275701 (2011). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. Real-space Renormalization Group analysis of a non-mean-field spin-glass Europhysics Letters 95, 47014 (2011). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. & Parisi, G. Renormalization-group computation of the critical exponents of hierarchical spin glasses: Large- scale behavior and divergence of the correlation length Physical Review E 83, 041134 (2011). Publisher's Version, arXiv version


Castellana, M., Decelle, A., Franz, S., Mézard, M. & Parisi, G. Hierarchical Random Energy Model of a Spin Glass Physical Review Letters 104, 127206 (2010). Publisher's Version, arXiv version

Castellana, M. & Parisi, G. Renormalization group computation of the critical exponents of hierarchical spin glasses Physical Review E 82, 040105(R) (2010). Publisher's Version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. & Montani, G. BRST Symmetry towards the Gauss Constraint for General Relativity International Journal of Modern Physics A 23, 1218 (2008). Publisher's Version

Castellana, M. & Montani, G. Physical State Condition in Quantum General Relativity as a Consequence of BRST Symmetry Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 105018 (2008). Publisher's Version, arXiv version


Castellana, M. The Renormalization Group for Disordered Systems (Sapienza Università Editrice: Rome, 2014). Publisher's Version