Match Review Screen Mods - Advanced Instructions

How to Enable Different Views

For the Post Match Screen the instructions are the same as for my In-Between Highlights Panel so follow the instructions from here you just need to edit the match in between highlights panel review xml file instead.

For the Half-Time and Full-Time Review Screens I haven't included the extra views in the files, but if you want them you can just copy over the views you want from the match in between highlights panel review xml file as the coding is the same, just remember to remove or comment out the existing code for that view.

The Half-Time Review screen is controlled by the match mid match review panel xml file and the Full-Time Review screen is controlled by the match full time review panel xml file.

How to Adjust the Size of the Panels

Again these instructions are the same as for my in-Between Highlights Panel so follow the instructions from here.

For the Post Match Screen you can adjust the height/width of these panels in game.

For the Half-Time and Full-Time Review Screens you'll need to follow those instructions to adjust the height/width of each panel but the coding to change each is the same and the files are commented to show you where the code for each panel is.

How to Change Kit/Logo & Text Size on the Overview Screen

Again these instructions are the same as for my in-Between Highlights Panel so follow the instructions from here, further as it uses the same file as the IBH panel (if you didn't overwrite the files) then any changes made their will show here automatically.

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