How to Enable Different Views

These instructions are the generally the same as in the past I've just cleaned up some of the code.

These instructions will assume you have already downloaded and installed the version of the Highlights mod you want to edit.

To download the mod see this page

Within the skin I have included various different views that can be shown for each option in each panel, as the game only supports one view for each item per panel enabled at once if you want different views you'll need to enable them.

Screenshots below show the list of different options you can have for the various panels (note all views may not be available in Touch Mode as it doesn't use some data):

Match Overview

You have five options for the Overview panel.

Match Stats

Two options here one with bar charts and one without.

Formation Panels

Couple of options here, for the both Formations Panel you can choose to have them side-by-side or top-bottom, whilst the individual Formation Panels give you a choice of the normal panel shirts) or a small panel (dots). You can also right click on any of these panels to change the orientation of the pitches.

Player Ratings and Body Language

Each of these has three views, default one keeps subs on the bench, alternative view sees them move into the XI when brought on and the last view is the Full Stats page. You can also edit the shown columns by editing the individual xml files instructions are in those files.

There are also various other panels you can select to display from the dropdown but they have no alternative views so there is no need to edit the xml file for those panels.

Also includes other panels (feedback, league table, updates etc...) but they have no alternative views available.

To enable the different views you need to edit the 'match in between highlights panel' xml file located in the panels folder for the version of the mod you have downloaded.

To edit this file I recommend you use Notepad++ or a web editing program that displays the code in colour as it makes it easier to see which parts to edit.

I've added various comments to the file to explain what various bits of code do so it should be fairly simple to edit, these should appear in a green colour if you are using Notepad++

For an example I will show you how to switch between the two versions of the Match Stats panel.

First the In Between Match Highlights Panel is made up of four panels - we have the full size left panel, the full size middle panel and then the two right panels the top one and the bottom one, each of these panels has it's own code that determines what displays in each of them, for example it is possible to set a different version of the match stats panel to appear in each of them (which is what we are going to do).

To edit the Match Stats view on the Left Panel you need to scroll down until you find this section of code:

<!-- L2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable includes bar charts, custom file to fix some appearance issues. NEED TO CHOOSE EITHER DEFAULT OR MODIFIED--> <widget class="match_stats_panel" id="mtst" file="match/match stats ibh"><translation id="title" translation_id="247439" type="use" value="Match Stats" /></widget> <!-- L2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable No Bar Charts --> <!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" id="mtst" file="match/match stats floating"><translation id="title" translation_id="247439" type="use" value="Match Stats" /></widget> -->

The first line is commented out and explains what the code below displays, the L2 mark at the start of the line denotes L for the Left Panel and 2 as the Match Stats view is the second item in the list (after the overview screen) now you can only have one of the two match stats views visable for the left panel at one time each of the options are noted by the L2 note on the first line.

At the moment the code in red is the active code, however we want the second view to display (no bar charts) to do this we need to comment out the active mode by adding <!-- to the start of the code and --> to the end so it now looks like this:

<!-- L2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable includes bar charts, custom file to fix some appearance issues. NEED TO CHOOSE EITHER DEFAULT OR MODIFIED--> <!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" id="mtst" file="match/match stats ibh"><translation id="title" translation_id="247439" type="use" value="Match Stats" /></widget> -->

Now to enable the second view we need to uncomment out it's code by deleting the <!-- from the second line and the --> from the last line so the code now looks like this:

<!-- L2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable No Bar Charts --> <widget class="match_stats_panel" id="mtst" file="match/match stats floating"><translation id="title" translation_id="247439" type="use" value="Match Stats" /></widget>

Now the code in the file should look like this:

<!-- L2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable includes bar charts, custom file to fix some appearance issues. NEED TO CHOOSE EITHER DEFAULT OR MODIFIED--> <!-- <widget class="match_stats_panel" id="mtst" file="match/match stats ibh"><translation id="title" translation_id="247439" type="use" value="Match Stats" /></widget> --><!-- L2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable No Bar Charts --> <widget class="match_stats_panel" id="mtst" file="match/match stats floating"><translation id="title" translation_id="247439" type="use" value="Match Stats" /></widget>

If done right when selecting the Match Stats view in the left panel it should now show the view without the Bar Charts whilst the middle panel will still show the Bar Charts.

To adjust the middle panel you need to scroll down until you find the code that starts with an M, so for the Match Stats view look for this line:

<!-- M2 MATCH STATS PANEL - Customisable includes bar charts, custom file to fix some appearance issues NEED TO CHOOSE EITHER DEFAULT OR MODIFIED-->

To adjust the top right panel look for lines like this:


To adjust the bottom right panel look for lines like this:


The coding for each of these panels is edited just as you did for the left panel, and the alternative views for the other options are also enabled in the same manner just remember you can only have one view per note enabled at once i.e. only one of the L2 items can be enabled at once but the M2 item can be a different view as long as only one of the M2 views is enabled.

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