How to Adjust the Size of the Panels

These instructions will assume you have already downloaded and installed the version of the Highlights mod you want to edit.

To download the mod see this page

Thanks to the split container code you can now adjust the width of the various panels from within the game, however to adjust the height of the right side panels you still need to edit the xml file.

How to edit the sizes of the individual panels

Before editing the individual panels you need to understand what the following codes do:

minimum_height - this sets the minimum width/height of the panel if the available space is less than this value then the panel won't show.

default_height - this is the width/height that the game trys to display the panel at, depending on available space it can appear smaller (to min width as above) or bigger.

Normally for these codes you'd enter a number which corresponds to the number of pixels you want the panel to be, however there is also an option to use a negative number (i.e. -1) the negative sign tells the game to make the panel proportional to the available space with the number determining the ratio.

-1 tells the game to fill the rest of the available space (after it has drawn any panels with actual pixel values) equally between all the panels set to -1. So if you set both of the right panels to -1 you'd end up with two equal height panels. If you set the top panel to 500 and the bottom panel to -1 the top panel would take up 500 pixels and the bottom one would take up what space is left.

If you set the top panel to -2 and the bottom panel to -1 then the top panel would take up 2/3 of the space with the bottom panel getting 1/3.

priority - this tells the game in which order to hide panels if there isn't enough space to show them all, the lower the number the higher the priority so a priority="2" panel will be hidden before a priority="1" panel.

With the above in mind you can now adjust the panel sizes.

To adjust the height of the top part of the right panel locate this code:


<container class="bordered_box" minimum_height="1" priority="3" default_height="-1">

And the height of the bottom part is controlled by this code:


<container class="bordered_box" minimum_height="1" priority="4" default_height="380">

As you'll see each panel has a comment above it in the file to denote where the coding for that panel starts.

You now just need to play around with the values until you are happy with sizes, in addition if you want a panel to stay a static size set the minimum and default values to the same value.

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