Bill Baggs State Park

Action Alert February 2001

Bill Baggs State Park, otherwise known as "Cape Florida" on the southernmost tip of Key Biscayne, in Miami-Dade County, is under siege from local interests who want to claim part of it to construct ball fields and similar recreational activities. These interests are putting political pressure on DEP in effort to force the Division of Recreation and Parks to back away from its natural resource based management plan for the park. Bill Baggs State Park was heavily impacted by Hurricane Andrew. Following the hurricane, the Division of Recreation and parks has implemented a large scale restoration plan in effort to remove exotics, and restore native vegetation. Part of the value of this very expensive restoration project will be jeopardized if ball fields are allowed to replace habitat.

Part of the debate will be occurring in the arcane area of distinction between the terms "State Park" and "State Recreation Area". In the past, those terms have not had much meaning. DEP has recently proposed reclassification of EVERYTHING to be protected as natural habitat as "State Park", and to classify a limited group of areas where heavy development might be allowed as "State Recreation Areas". Obviously, since Bill Baggs has been historically treated as a "State Park", regardless of its title, we want to keep it that way. Conversely, those who want to open it up to non-natural uses, want it designated in the new scheme of names as a "Recreation Area".

If Florida environmentalists don't want local interests to invade state parks with incompatible uses that harmfully displace important habitat, they need to speak up LOUDLY on Feb. 19th and Feb. 20th.

Two public meetings will be held, on February 19, and February 20 to allow the public to have input on this important issue.

Nancy Lee