
I am interested in the cohomology of arithmetic groups, arithmetic of automorphic forms, and the Langlands program. I especially focus on the cases where the underlying arithmetic manifolds have no visible links to algebraic geometry. I enjoy developing computer programs and carrying out numerical experiments to explore and gain insight. 

I have been involved in the construction of a database on Bianchi modular forms (that is, modular forms for GL(2) over imaginary quadratic fields) and related arithmetic data inside the L-functions and Modular Forms Database (LMFDB).

In another strand of my research, I study operator K-theory of C*-algebras associated to arithmetic groups from the point of view of number theory and automorphic forms. 

Here is my Google Scholar profile.

Here is the Sheffield Number Theory Group website.


Ciaran Schembri (2019) (first job: postdoc, Dartmouth College, USA)

Lewis Combes (2024) (first job: postdoc, University of Sydney, AUS)

Daniel Bassett (current)


Almost all of them are on the Arxiv.