Lectures on Shimura Curves and Related Objects

University of Sheffield, 2015/16

This academic year, I will deliver lectures on Shimura curves and related objects.

The meetings will take place in room J-11 Hicks Building on Wednesdays at 11am (unless stated otherwise) during the Fall.

Extended notes of the past lectures can be found HERE.

Fall Talks:

Title: Quaternion Algebras, I

Week: 6

Contents: Basic properties.

Title: Quaternion Algebras, II

Week: 8

Contents: Quaternion algebras over local fields, ramification of quaternion algebras over number fields, orders.

Title: Hyperbolic Spaces of Dimensions 2 and 3

Week: 9

Contents: We introduce basics of hyperbolic geometry and the groups of isometries in dimensions 2,3.

Title: Arithmetic manifolds associated to orders in quaternion algebras

Week: 10

Contents: We discuss arithmetic lattices arising from groups of norm one elements of orders in quaternion algebras over number fields and the associated manifolds.

Title: Modular curves and Shimura curves, I

Week: 12

Contents: We focus on modular and Shimura curves and their coarse moduli space interpretations.

Spring Talks:

Title: Modular curves and Shimura curves, II

Week: 2

Contents: We focus on modular and Shimura curves and their coarse moduli space interpretations.

Title: Arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Week: 3

Contents: We digress to consider the interesting case of Bianchi groups and compact arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

Title: Modular forms

Week: 4

Contents: We introduce modular forms.

Title: Cohomology and modular forms

Week: 5

Contents: We study the cohomology of arithmetic groups and relations with modular forms.
