Seminar on Operator K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry

University of Sheffield, Spring 2017

This seminar aims to study basics of the theory of C*-algebras, their K-theory and aspects of Noncommutative Geometry in the style of Alain Connes.

A short note on the seminar can be found HERE.

Talks will be on Tuesdays at 2pm in J11.

For a description of the contents of the talks, see the departmental seminars page (the short note above gives a rough idea).


Title: Introduction to C*-algebras. Part I. (Neil Hansford)

Week 5 (Mar. 7)

Title: Introduction to C*-algebras. Part II. (Jordan Willamson)

Week 6 (Mar. 14)

Title: K-theory of C*-algebras. Part I. (Paul Mitchener)

Week 7 (Mar. 21)

Title: K-theory of C*-algebras. Part II. (Paul Mitchener)

Week 8 (Mar. 28)

Title: Bott periodicity (Sarah Browne)

Week 9 (Apr. 25)

Title: K-homology (David O'Sullivan)

Week 10 (May 2)

Title: Group actions, group C*-algebra, crossed product algebras. Part I. (Sven Meinhardt)

Week 11 (May 9)

Title: Group actions, group C*-algebra, crossed product algebras. Part I. (Haluk Sengun)

Week 12 (May 16)

Title: The Baum-Connes conjecture (Haluk Sengun)

Week 13(?) (May 23)