Links & interests


Paloma Ayala is a talented Switzerland-based artist working on several collaborative and community focused projects. Although I am tempted to describe some of her current work here, it evolves so quickly that it will probably be outdated soon, so you are better off checking out her webpage.

Aikido Ennetbaden. Aikido techniques consist of entering and turning movements that redirect the momentum of an opponent's attack, and a throw or joint lock that terminates the technique. The dojo in Ennetbaden has a friendly, diverse and inclusive atmosphere for learning and practicing together.

Currently I work at the Paul Scherrer Institut, a Swiss national research lab for natural and engineering sciences. In particular within the Swiss Light Source, a third-generation synchrotron light source that is open to external user experiments. And even more "in particular" our group takes care of the coherent small-angle X-ray scattering (cSAXS) beamline. A brief overview of our research activities can be found here.

Useful work-related links

Joan Vila-Comamala's personal webpage. Besides his biographical and research information it features a very useful Fresnel Zone Plate calculator and open source code to simulate X-ray focusing by Fresnel Zone Plates, you can find the corresponding publication here.

CXRO, the Center for X-ray Optics, has a comprehensive and informative webpage about X-ray focusing theory and devices. Particularly useful are their database for X-ray interactions with matter and X-ray data booklet.

What q-range do I need? How to get the q-range from instrument parameters? There are two nice pages to help with the calculations: the SAXS calculator by CHESS in Cornell, and the BioCAT's X-ray tools by APS. Of course you should always in the end confirm your wished q-range with your local contact at the experiment to make sure you got the parameters right.