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February 2019

A manuscript on a fast algorithm for tensor tomography reconstruction, High-speed tensor tomography: iterative reconstruction tensor tomography (IRTT) algorithm, was featured in the cover of Acta Crystallographica Section A.

January 2018 Our newest manuscript on tensor tomography, Small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography: model of the three-dimensional reciprocal-space map, reconstruction algorithm and angular sampling requirements, was featured in the cover of Acta Crystallographica Section A.

December 2017Hard-X-ray magnetic tomography was featured in Optics in 2017, a special issue of Optics & Photonics News (OPN) that highlights the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months.

July 2017 A novel method for imaging 3D magnetization in the nanoscale, Three-dimensional magnetization structures revealed with X-ray vector nanotomography appeared in Nature. The work was also featured in Nature News & Views. You can also find more information on Paul Scherrer InstitutI media release Diving into magnets, or in the University of Glasgow release Imaging breakthrough reveals magnets internal patterns. For a lighter and less technical description you can read an original article in Forbes by Meriame Berboucha: Data storage problems could be a thing of the past with this new breakthrough In science, or the article in Physics World Nanoscale imaging looks deep into magnetic materials. In Physics Today Johanna L. Miller published a very nice article, X rays peer inside a magnet, putting our work in a broader context of magnetic investigations.

July 2017 Evolutionary-optimized photonic network structure in white beetle wing scales appeared in Advanced Materials. It was also chosen to be featured in an piece in Advanced Science News. The measurement shown is our first nanotomography measurement at cryo temperatures using OMNY and was used as input for electromagnetic simulations demonstrating the evolution-based optimization of the structure.

March 2017 High-resolution non-destructive three-dimensional imaging of integrated circuits appeared in Nature, it was also featured in their News and Views section. We demonstrate that X-ray ptychography can create 3D images of integrated circuits of known and unknown designs with a lateral resolution in all directions down to 14.6 nanometres, which "will improve IC inspection, with applications from health care to aviation". If you don't have access to Nature you can access a "view-only" full version here. Take a look at PSI press release 3-D X-ray imaging makes the finest details of a computer chip visible. And an independent explanation with quite good coverage of the concepts behind our imaging technique by TechCrunch X-ray technique creates nanometer-scale 3D reconstructions of computer chips. Finally there was an article in IEEE Spectrum that gives expert comments and insights in X-rays map the 3D interior of integrated circuits.


November 2015 Nanostructure surveys of macroscopic specimens by small-angle scattering tensor tomography was featured in the cover of Nature [+]. We there introduce a method that combines tomographic principles with SAXS to yield nanostructure information in 3D millimeter-scale samples. This was published back to back with another work [+] that presents an alternative approach and on which we also played a part.November 2015 X-ray nanotomography aids the production of eco-friendly solar cells is featured in the cSAXS scientific highlights [+].


March 2015 Multiresolution X-ray tomography, getting a clear view of the interior is featured in the cSAXS scientific highlights [+], you can also see a movie illustrating the principle here [+]. Also take a look at the official media release of PSI: From inside an eggshell.

March 2015 Element-specific X-ray phase tomography was featured in the Paul Scherrer Institut scientific highlights [+], LABO online [+], and Materials Gate News [+].


March 2015 Imaging the mechanical response of nanostructured composites was featured in Materials Views. The article is featured in the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials.

December 2014 Innovation Award on Synchrotron Radiation 2014 for high-resolution 3D hard X-ray microscopy. The prize is bestowed each year by The Association of Friends of the Helmholtz-Centre Berlin for for “an excellent achievement which has contributed significantly to the further development of techniques, methods or uses of synchrotron radiation.” See more information on the news of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) [+].

August 2014

Fast scanning coherent X-ray imaging using Eiger was featured in the research highlights of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) [+],

Eiger self-portrait

February 2014

X-ray ptychographic computed tomography at 16 nm isotropic 3D resolution was featured in the research highlights of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) [+], CCMX News PSI’s imaging tool prototype achieves world-record resolution, and PSI's scientific highlight Sixteen nanometres in 3D, Nanowerk News [+], R&D Mag highlights [+], and lightsources.org [+].


November 2013

Characterization of carbon fibers using X-ray phase nanotomography was featured in the research highlights of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) [+]


April 2013 Two-dimensional structure from random multiparticle X-ray scattering images using cross-correlations, published in Nature Communications, was featured in the research highlights of the Paul Scherrer Institut [+] Pro-Physik [+] and Portal für Organische Chemie [+]


February 2013

Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis and Percolation Properties of a Barrier Marine Coating, published in Nature Scientific Reports, was featured in Imaging and Microscopy [+] and Research highlights of the London Centre for Nanotechnology [+]


October 2012

Understanding the twin-image problem in phase retrieval featured in OSA Spotlight on Optics [+]

April 2012

Defense Tech Briefs features a comparison of subpixel registration methods [+] by Robert A. Reed, showing great accuracy and robustness of our technique [+]. Our code is at Matlab Central.


March 2011

A New Method for Measuring X-ray Optics Aberrations featured in APS Science and Research Highlights [+], Photonics Spectra research highlight [+] and the 2010 BNL annual report [+]

December 2010

Differentially Encoded Holography for X-Ray Coherent Imaging was featured in Optics in 2010, a special issue of Optics & Photonics News (OPN)

September 2010

Differential Encoding Brings Higher Resolution to X-ray Lensless Holography featured in 2010 SSRL Science Highlights


December 2009

Phase Retrieval with Transverse Translations for X-ray and Optical Wavefront Sensing was featured in Optics in 2009, a special issue of Optics & Photonics News (OPN)