Where are they now

FORMER URP (Undergraduate Research Project - 4th year Math) or URA (Undergraduate Summer Assistants):

Roie Fields (W2019) - stayed for an M.Sc. Math, Collab. Spec. AI/ML (see below) - Data Scientist Propel Holdings

Jennifer Hogg (W2019) - went to a M. Sc. in Evol. Ecology, Memorial University NL - Hydrolic Data Analyst

Katherine Hertler (W 2015) - Specialist, Network Provisioning at Bell

Eric Vanderway (W 2011) - completed Actuarial Science M.Sc. Western - Actuarial Analyst, Morneau Shepell

URA (Undergraduate Research & Teaching Assistants)

Kira Tarasuk (W2021) - stayed for a NSERC USRA (S 2023) and now a M. Sc. Math, Collab. Spec. AI/ML (see below)

Harry Thienman (S2022) - NSERC USRA - stayed for a M.Sc. Math  

Sierra Gillies NSERC USRA (Summer 2015) - went on to UBC MSc in Genome science & tech - research assist. Simon Fraser, BC.

Dominic Nelson (URA- Summer 2007 - Cojocaru) - worked as Environmental advisor in BC - currently Ph.D. in Genomics at McGill

Dr. Nathan Killoran (URA-Summer 2005); completed an M.Sc. in Math at UToronto and a Ph. D. Physics, U. Waterloo - currently a PDF at University of Ulm, Germany 

Dr. Stephane Pia, short term visiting Ph. D. (2007) - works in telecom industry, IT  

FORMER graduated students & Postdoctoral fellows:

Dr. Zahra (Mohammadi) Cook (2020-2023) (advisors: Cojocaru -20/21; Cojocaru & Hurford - 21/23 - Fields Math for Public Health PDF) - currently: Research Analyst, Canadian Institute for Health Information 

Dr. Tangi Migot (2018-2020) (advisor: Cojocaru) - currently: PDF in numerical optimization/game theory - currently: Algorithm Developer, GIRO Inc., QC

Dr. A. S. Jaber, Ph. D. (2019) (advisor: Cojocaru) - currently: Faculty, Mathematical Sciences  Department- College of Science in Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.

Dr. Erin Wild, Ph. D. (2017) (advisor: Cojocaru  & Thommes) - currently: Senior Data Scientist at Shopify, Toronto, CA

Dr. Yuhong Wei, RA (2017) (advisor: Cojocaru) - currently: Risk Analyst, Scotiabank

Dr. Annamaria Barbagallo, PDF (2007) (advisor: Cojocaru) - currently: Associate Prof. Mathematics, University of Naples, IT

Dr. Scott Greenhalgh, Ph.D. Mathematics 2012 (advisor: Cojocaru) -  PDF  at Yale University,  Coleman PDF Queen's University, Kingston - currently Associate Professor Mathematics, Sienna College NY

Dr. Stephen Tully, M.Sc. Mathematics 2010 and Ph. D. Math 2014  (advisors: Cojocaru & Bauch) - currently: College Professor, Dept. Mathematics & Statistics, Okanagan College, BC - former: PDF at UWaterloo; PDF at WHO-International Center for Cancer Research, Lyon France

Sarah Smook, M. Sc. Math, 2022 - currently: Data capabilities associate, AstraZeneca

Roie Fields, M. Sc. CS AI/ML Cojocaru, 2021 - currently: Data Scientist, Propel Holdings

Safia Athar, M. Sc. & Ph. D. Mathematics 2013 - 2017 Cojocaru & Thommes - former: PDF in Applied Mathematics at York University (LIAM)

Cassandra Cvetkovic M. Sc Math 2012 Cojocaru- curently: Director, Credit Data & Measurement, RBC (former: Communications/Process Analyst at RBC)

Kevin Fatyas, M. Sc. 2016, Cojocaru - currently: Data Scientist at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

Daniel Vanin, M. Sc Math 2012 Cojocaru - currently: Product Owner, Credit Cards, TD - (former: Load Forecasting Analyst at Just Energy)

Shaughnessy Hawkins, M.Sc. Math 2008 Cojocaru & Kribs - completed Queen's School of Law in Kingston - completed a Master of Corporate Law in Cambridge University, UK - currently at Regulatory Affairs, Royal Bank of Scotland

Chris Kuusela, M.Sc. Math 2011 Cojocaru & Ashlock - currently: Director of Data Science at Scene+ (former: Manager Team Lead, Business Intelligence at Bell, then RBC Senior Manager).

Chris Hogg, M.Sc. Math 2010 Cojocaru & Bauch- Teacher's College F2011 - S2012 - Currently teaching Math in high school.

Dr. Notice Ringa, M.Sc. Math 2009 Cojocaru & Eberl - completed a Ph. D. Math (C. Bauch)- currently:  Mathematics Instructor, Columbi College BC (former: Lecturer at Botswana International University of Science and Technology)

Ching-Wei Teng, M.Sc. Mathematics 2007 - Cojocaru & Kribs , Management and Accounting Master's at University of Toronto Miss. - working in financial sector 

Dr. Matthew Johnston USRA-Summer 2005, M.Sc. Math 2006 Cojocaru - completed a Ph. D. Applied Math, U. Waterloo & PDF at Madison-Wisconsin- currently Assistant Professpr at San Jose State, California