Professor of Mathematics                                                                                          Phone: (519)-824-4120 ext. 53293

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph                                               E-mail:

50 Stone Road East, MacNaughton Bldg. 549                                                                

Guelph, ON Canada N1G 2W1                                                                                                 




Research interests:

Dynamical systems, Game theory and Applications, Emergent dynamics in  models of populations; Network and equilibrium problems; Diverse topics with applications to Engineering, Management Science, Population Behavior and Health Policy.


2,000,000 CAD – as Principal Investigator excluding overhead


35 graduate and 14 undergraduate trainees

To completion: 2 Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF), 3 Research Assistants, 6 Ph.D., 18 M.Sc. students

Current: 2 PDF, 1 Ph.D. students, 3 M. Sc. Students; 1 URA

Trainees Accomplishments: 3 tenure-track appointments (2 in USA, 1 in Italy), several industry positions (ScotiaBank CA, Bell Labs, Royal Bank of Canada, Rubikloud Tech), current Ph.D. or M. Sc. candidates in other mathematics programs.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Accelerator Award                                                         2017 - 2020

Canada-US Fulbright Visiting Research Chair                                                                                                             01-05/2010

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) University Faculty Award                                                2003 - 2008

Rockefeller Fellowship                                                                                                                                                      03/2004

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow                                                                                                                                          05-09/2003

Visiting Fellowship in Canadian Government Laboratories                                                                                           2002 - 2003 

(at Canadian Space Agency)


                 As Principal Investigator:                                                                  

NSERC Alliance Option 2   300,000 CAD                                             2023-2025

NSERC Collaborative R&D  Grant                                                                     90,000 CAD                                            2019-2021

NSERC Accelerator Grant                                                                              120,000 CAD                                            2017-2020

NSERC Discovery Grant                                                                                 120,000 CAD                                            2017-2022

NSERC Engage Grant                                                                                       24,000 CAD                                            2016-2017

With Canada Sanofi Pasteur

Canada-US Fulbright Eco-Leadership Award                                                     3,600 CAD                                          2013 - 2014

NSERC Discovery Grant                                                                                   90,000 CAD                                           2011 - 2017

Fulbright Research Chair Grant                                                                       25,000 US                                                   2010

Ontario Centers of Excellence & City of Guelph

(PI with 2 colleagues)                                                                                      26,500 CAD                                           2008 - 2009

University Faculty Award 200,000 CAD 2003 - 2008

NSERC Discovery Grant                                                                                    65,000 CAD                                          2006 - 2011

Canada Foundation for Innovation                                                                 820,000 CAD                                          2005 - 2009

(PI with 4 colleagues)

NSERC Discovery Grant                                                                                    33,000 CAD                                          2003 - 2006

U of Guelph Start-up Fund                                                                               25,000 CAD                                          2003 - 2006

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow                                                                               40,000 CAD                                         04-08/2003

                   As co-applicant:

CIHR M-pox modelling (PI: B. Nasri)                                                                  200,000 CAD                                       2023 - 2025

Long-COVID Web (P.I. Angela Chung)                                                                                                                              2022 - ongoing

NSERC Research and Instruments Grant                                                            58,000 CAD                                       2011 - 2012 

(P. McNicholas – PI, 7 others)

Rockefeller Fellowship                                                                                         1,650 CAD                                              03/2004

(with A. Nagurney – PI, P. Daniele)

Public lectures:

MS2Discovery Institute 2017: Generalized Nash games and applications, Wilfrid Laurier University.

The 2012 University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind: Games Decisions & Dynamics, 2012:  Objective and subjective decision factors in consumer behavior.

Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, 2011:  Objective and subjective decision factors: modeling human behavior from individual to population scale, University of Waterloo.

Department of Mathematical Economics and Operations Research, University of Brescia 2011, Invited Lectures: Dynamic games and variational inequalities I and II. 

Fulbright Visiting Chair, Bren School of Environmental Sciences Research Colloquium 2010: Objective and subjective decision factors: modeling human behavior from individual to population scale, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB);

Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics Invited Lecture, 2009: Objective and subjective decision factors: modeling decisions from individual to population scale.

Women in Mathematics Lecture, University of Waterloo, 2008: Can mathematics answer real-life challenges? From vaccination to environmental choices via operations research.



Ph. D. Mathematics                      Queen’s University at Kingston                                          1998 - 2002

M. Sc. Mathematics                      University of Bucharest                                                      1996 - 1997

B. Sc. Mathematics                       University of Bucharest                                                      1991 - 1996




Guelph:  Professor, Mathematics, University of Guelph                                                                   2018-ongoing

               Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Guelph                                                   2008 - 2017

                NSERC  UFA Assistant Professor of Mathematics with tenure  Guelph                                 2007 - 2008

                NSERC UFA Assistant Professor of Mathematics Guelph                                                      2003 - 2007

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (at CRM Montreal)                                                                                               2003

 Adjunct Assistant Professor                                                                                                                                                         2002 - 2003

 Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University

 Research Assistant                                                                                                                             1998 - 2002

 Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University                                                         

 Lecturer                                                                                                                                              2001 - 2003

 Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University                                                    

 Teaching Assistant                                                                                                                             1998 - 2000

 Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University                                                        

 Lecturer                                                                                                                                             1997 - 1998                                                                                          

“C. Brancoveanu” University, Romania                                                                                


Visiting and Affiliate Positions:

Senior Visiting Research Fellow                                                                                                   02/2017-08/2019

Lehigh University, PA USA

Visiting Researcher                                                                                                                             Oct-Nov.2016

GERAD HEC Montreal 

Affiliate Researcher & Board Member

Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation                                                                              2012 - ongoing  


Visiting Professor

University of Brescia                                                                                                                                    04/2011


Canada-US Fulbright Visiting Research Chair                                                                    

University of California at Santa Barbara                                                                                                 01-05/2010


Visiting Member

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences                                                                         09/2009

Visiting Researcher

Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University                                                     04-05/2007


Visiting Scholar

  Division of Engineering and Applied Science Harvard University                                                             04-05/2006

  Visiting Member

  The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences                                                                     02-03/2006


  Visiting Researcher

  Centre des Recherches Mathematiques                                                                                                        09/2005


Other Awards, Fellowships etc.


Ontario Graduate Scholarship                                                                                                                     2001 - 2002                        

 The NORTEL Networks Graduate Fellowship                                                                                                2000 - 2001                      

 Queen's University Graduate Fellowship                                                                                                      1998 - 2002

                                          CONFERENCES & TALKS

Invited Conference Presentations (including upcoming confirmed):


2023-2024 Colloquium on Mathematics for Public Health, Population mobility, well-mixed clustering and disease spread: a look at COVID-19 Spread in the United States and policy insights (Oct. 2023)


AMMCS 2023, Behaviour quantification vis-`a-vis adoption of public policy – NPI measures during COVID-19 in Ontatio (Aug. 2023)


The 4th International Conference on Dynamics of Differential Equations in Memory of Jack K. Hale, Reclustering of populations based on mobility-driven well-mixing using reinforcement learning - disease spread insights (Aug. 2023)


CERP Lyon/Fields Institute Workshop, Modelling Workshop in Infectious Diseases, A framework for behaviour quantification vis-a-vis adoption of public policy measures - lessons from nonpharmaceutical measures during COVID-19 in Ontario, (July 2023)

INFOMRS Health Informatics 2023, Toronto - poster (D. Lyver 1st author) Reclustering of populations based on mobility-driven well-mixing using reinforcement learning - disease spread insights

CMS Toronto, Individual risk and discomfort perceptions, NPI policies and the evolution of the pandemic in Ontario 2020, Dec. 2022 

CMS St. John's NL, June 2022

CAIMS June 2022 



Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting (July 2020): Modelling in Biomathematics: COVID-19 and beyond - organizer

Workshop on Dynamics, Optimization and Variational Analysis in Applied Games, April 30 - May 1, 2020, The Fields Institute

Borders in Public Health and Epidemiology - The Fields Intitute Workshop - October 2019 - Controlling infection in a predator-prey model with transmission dynamics

MOPTA 2019 Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA, The replicator dynamics and generalized Nash Games, (2019, August); Optimal design of vaccination catchup programs with incentives (2019, August).

Euro2019 – 30TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Dynamics of generalized Nash games and evolutionary games, (2019, June).

NSERC Sanofi-York IRC at Fields Institute: Workshop on Vaccine Dynamics Modelling and Immunization Program Optimization, Optimal design of vaccination catchup programs with incentives (2019, May)

PUBLIC HEALTH 2019 – Multi-pathogen infection prevention policy in a child care facility (2019, April)

CMS Vancouver, The replicator dynamics for generalized Nash Games, (2018, December).

Euro2018 – 29TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Game theoretic scenarios of cybersecurity investment models in a sellers – buyers’ market, (2018, July).

Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting 2017, Waterloo: Linking generalized Nash games and replicator dynamics

MOPTA 2017, Lehigh University: Mail delivery by drones. 

15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization Montréal, July 2017: Bifurcations in Two-Player Nonlinear Games Using Nonsmooth Dynamics and Variational Inequalities

8-th Workshop on Dynamic Games, GERAD Montreal, Oct. 2016, Emergence of equilibrium help strategies and runaway competitive helping with increased partner matching and passively provided help.

ICCOPT 2016, Tokyo: Generalized Nash Games and Cap and Trade Environmental Models

AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations & Applications. Absenteeism, Presenteeism and Infectious Diseases in a Local Economy (2016, July).

AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems Differential Equations & Applications. Generalized Nash Games, Vaccination Policies and Environmental Accords, (2016, July).

EURO 2015, Glasgow: Bifurcations of 2-dimensional projected systems and vaccinating games.

AMMCS 2015, Waterloo, 3 talks: (given by co-authors) 

Canadian Mathematical Society June 2015, PEI.

The Fields Institute, CONFERENCE ON OPTIMIZATION, TRANSPORTATION AND EQUILIBRIUM IN ECONOMICS – Sept. 2014, Equilibrium in competitive help models in biological markets.

Optimization, Control and Applications in the Information Age, 2014: Generalized Nash Games and Evolutionary Variational Inequalities.

ASE/IEEE 2013, Washington, D.C.: A Dynamic Pricing Game in a Model of New Product Adoption with Social Influence

AMMCS 2013, Waterloo: Equation-based and Agent-based models of adoption behaviour in multi-dimensional characteristics space

ICCOPT 2013, Lisbon: Solving generalized Nash games with shared constraints through evolutionary variational inequalities 

EURO/INFORMS 2013, Rome: Solving generalized Nash games with shared constraints through evolutionary variational inequalities 

8-th DEDS 2012, Waterloo: Stability of Generalized Nash Game Solutions via Evolutionary Variational Inequalities

AIMS 2012, Orlando, Florida: Stability of Generalized Nash Game Solutions via Evolutionary Variational Inequalities

AMS 2011, New Orleans: Dynamics of equilibrium problems via hybrid systems. 

EURO XXIV, 2010: Dynamics of equilibrium problems: a hybrid systems approach;

AIMS 2010: Dynamics of equilibrium problems: a hybrid systems approach;

MOPTA 2010: A Model for Social Network Interaction with the Stock Market

ICNAAM 2009 : Dynamics of equilibrium problems: a hybrid systems approach – talk 1;  Non-autonomous projected dynamical systems - talk 2

CMS-SSC Vancouver 2009: Hybrid dynamical systems and dynamics of networks and games 

 ISMP Chicago 2009: Network Problems, Dynamic Games and Hybrid Dynamical Systems 

INFORMS Toronto and MOPTA 2009 - talks given by S. Greenhalgh: Network Equilibrium problems and hybrid dynamical systems.

CMS Ottawa, December 2008 : Projected dynamical systems in Banach spaces

MOPTA 2008, Guelph: Tracking the dynamics of network equilibrium problems and markets of environmental products.

4-th WCNA - IFNA 2008, Orlando, Applications of variational inequalities to eco-housing markets.

CMMSE 2008, Spain: Dynamics of networks: from vaccination strategies to eco-housing markets.

Advances in Global Optimization, Greece 2007:  Equilibrium dynamics of group vaccination strategies in a heterogeneous population with a given vaccine coverage profile.

ICIAM 2007, Zurich (2 presentations): Equilibrium dynamics of group vaccination strategies in a heterogeneous population with a given vaccine coverage profile;  Double-layer dynamics and human migration after catastrophic events .

ICCOPT/MOPTA 2007, McMaster University: Time-dependent games and migration problems with applications.

International Summer School Guido Stampacchia: International Workshop on VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Erice July 2006. Dynamics of vaccination strategies in a heterogeneous population.

INTAS Summer school: Nonlinear analysis with applications in Economics, Energy and Transportation, Bergamo, Italy, June 2006. Recent advances in the theory and applications of projected dynamical systems and double-layered dynamics.

INFORMS, San Francisco 2005, Session Chair: Transportation Science & Logistics. Double layer dynamics and transportation.

4th International Conference on Complementarity Problems, Stanford University 2005.  Recent advances in projected dynamical systems: double layered dynamics.

CMS/CSHPM Summer 2005 Meeting. Recent advances in the theory of projected dynamical systems: Persistence and adjustment in double layered dynamics.

SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 2005, Sweden. Projected dynamical systems and evolutionary variational  inequalities via Hilbert spaces

Dynamics Day '05 Workshop, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, April 2004: Persistence and adjustment in double layered dynamics.

   Seminar Analyse Nonlinéaire/Systèmes Dynamiques, CRM, 2004: Projected dynamical systems and evolutionary variational inequalities via Hilbert spaces.                                                                                             

INFORMS Annual Meeting Denver 2004 (presented by co-author A. Nagurney): Projected dynamical systems and evolutionary variational inequalities with applications to dynamic traffic networks.

Fourth World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA, June 2004(presented by co-author P. Daniele): Projected dynamical systems and evolutionary variational inequalities with applications to dynamic traffic networks.              

First Joint Canada-France Meeting of the Mathematical Sciences, Toulouse, Jul 2004. Projected differential equations; projected dynamical systems: new developments.

CMS Summer Meeting, June 2004.Projected dynamical systems and evolutionary variational inequalities with applications to dynamic traffic networks.

Fields Institute, Young Mathematicians Conference in PDE and Dynamical Systems. Jan 2004, PDS Overview and recent developments.

CMS Winter 2003. Periodic solutions for projected dynamical systems.


Other events:


CMS June-2002. A type of constrained dynamical system.

CMS -Toronto/December 8-10/2001. Dynamics of solutions to variational inequalities.

Graduate Industrial Mathematical Modelling Camp -Workshop-Victoria/June 2001. Project : The Web-hosting Service Level Agreement

Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences Workshop-Seattle/June 2001. The Web-hosting Service Level Agreement (cont’d).

 American Mathematical Society Meeting - Toronto/ September 2000. Presentation: Exceptional   Family of elements and the solvability of variational inequalities on unbounded sets.                                                 

Seminars, lectures, posters


ISE seminar, Lehigh University talk, 2017

GERAD Seminar talk, November 2016

Dept. of Economics Seminar Series, Guelph 2014: Solving Generalized Nash games.

   WLU Science Seminar, 2013: EBM and ABM of adoption in multi-dimensional characteristics

   UCSB, Applied Mathematics Seminar 2010: Solvability of Projected Equations in Banach Spaces.

   Invited Seminar, Management Sciences Department, University of Waterloo 2009

   Dynamics Group, Wilfrid Laurier University, Talk, 03/2008.

   Advanced Optimization Laboratory Seminar Series, McMaster University, 03/2007.

   Operations Research Seminar/BioM&S Seminar Guelph, 09/2006.

   Dynamics Day '05 Workshop, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 04/2005.

   Seminar Analyse Nonlinéaire/Systèmes Dynamiques, CRM, U de Montreal, 09/2004.

Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Team Residency 03/2004.

Optimization, Dynamical Systems & Applied Analysis Seminar 2004, U of Guelph

Optimization and Applied Analysis Seminar, Fall Talk 2003, U of Guelph

Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Guelph  09/2002

SIAM Annual Meeting -San Diego/July 2001, Poster

Dynamical Systems Seminar - series of talks from my doctoral research, Queen's, 1999-2000



Departmental level:

CRC Search Committee                                                                                                 2022

Graduate Coordinator, Chair of Grad Committee                                                       2021-2022

Graduate Committee, Mathematics & Statistics                                                         2017-2019 

Chair Advisory Committee                                                                                        2015-2016

  MATH 4600 Project Course Coordinator                                                                   2009-11, W12-W14, 2021 (F & W)

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Chair, Mathematics and Statistics                              2010-2011

   Appointments Committee, Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics                                     2006-2007

Information Officer-Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics                                               2004-2008

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member                              2003-2005, 2008-2009, 2013-2014


  University level:

Interim Associate Dean of Research and Grad Studies CEPS                                           2022-2024

Senator                                                                                                                                        2022-2024

Senator, Student Petition Committee                                                                                    2015-2016

Senator, Senate Committee on Open Learning (SCOL)

 member (Vice Chair of SCOL for a short period)                                                                   2007-2009

Departmental Representative, B. Sc. Program Committee                                         2005-2010, W 2012

Graduate Committee                                 Member (Queen's)                                                 2001-2002

Graduate Student Seminar                       Organizer (Queen's)                                                1999-2000  


Provincial: & National

NSERC DG EG 1508                                 Member                                                                       2022-2025

NSERC CREATE Review Committee      Member                                                                      2017-2019

Ontario Graduate Scholarship            Mathematics Panel Member                                         2005-2006

Ontario Graduate Scholarship                VISA Panel Chair                                                      2005-2006

Ontario Graduate Scholarship                VISA Panel Member                                                  2004-2005




Event & seminar organization:

Workshop on Dynamics, Optimization and Variational Analysis in Applied Games, April 30 - May 1, 2020, The Fields Institute

MOPTA 2019 Chair

   7-th Summer Solstice Conference, June 18-20 2015, at The Fields Institute, Toronto - Organizing Committee Member

   AMMCS 2015: Minisymposium on Game Theory (co-organized with R. Cressmann and J. Appaloo) June 7-8, 2015, Waterloo 

    Fulbright Canada Eco-leadership Award – activities organizer in local community: raising      awareness on electronic waste recycling

AMMCS 2013 – Program Committee Chair

EURO XXIV-INFORMS – Session Co-organizer

    AMMCS 2011- Waterloo, Double mini-symposium: Complex dynamics of population behavior

    with impact on socio-economic issues

MOPTA 2008, Organizing Committee Chair;

ICIAM 2007, Zurich, Double mini-symposium on “Dynamics of equilibrium problems via game theory, variational inequalities, complementarity and projected dynamical systems

INFORMS, San Francisco 2005, Session Chair and co-organizer, “Advances in transportation modelling”.

Coordinator and organizer of the Operations Research, Computation & Analysis of Systems  Working Group @ Guelph  2006-on                                                                                                                                               

ORCAS Seminar Series. Organizer                                                                                                                                                               2006-ongoing 

 Dynamics Day Workshop, April 7, 2006, U. of Guelph and The Fields Institute                   (co-org)

 Optimization, Dynamical Systems & Applied Analysis Seminar, Guelph, 2004-2006         (co-org)



Transportation Research E., Transportation Research Part B, European Journal of Operations Research, Logistics and Transportation E., Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Mathematical Programming, Applied Mathematics Letters, Journal of Nonlinear Science


 My tenure as the first Canada-US Fulbright Visiting Chair awarded to a faculty from Guelph has     featured our university and my department and College in the local press, as well as in press releases of the Fulbright Foundation and of the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Interviewed for Guelph Mercury in “Dropping calculus doesn't add up, professors say”, Mercury Feb. 3, 2006.

SGI Press release, December 2006 “University of Guelph chooses SGI technology for mathematics research”.

Nagurney, A., Enhancing Research through E-science, Chronicle of Higher Education, letter to the editor, Feb. 4, 2005

Due to the Rockefeller Fellowship in 2004, I was mentioned in two important informational publications, Operations Research and Management Science (ORMS) International Issue and the Association of Women in Mathematics Newsletter