Research Interests:

Dynamical systems, Game theory and Applications, Emergent dynamics in models of populations; Network and equilibrium problems; Diverse topics with applications to Engineering, Management Science, Population Behavior and Health Policy.

"What can I do with a Math degree ?" 

Look at an updated list of accomplishments from my former students:   Where are they now

Professor of Mathematics

Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies,

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS)

University of Guelph, ON Canada 

Mail  and g-Mail                           Other Interests 


Press & media: CBC Radio (in French): OHdio 

Radio interview News Talk 610 -CKTB        Global News Radio - Bill Kelly Show          Women in Science -Covid-19-UoG 

Live interview at:

Collaborators: E. W. Thommes, Ph. D.                                                        HQP: Rhiannon Loster, Kira Tarasuk, Luke May, Bridgette Amoako, Ben Benteke 
Dr. Mihai Nica (Guelph),  Dr. Giacomo Cacciapaglia (Lyon)                                                           Dr. C. VanBohmmel, Dr. Darren  Flynn-Primrose
          Dr. Samir Adly (France)                                                                        Summer HQP: Ravin Samaroo, Diyljiot Singh, Siddesh Kadam 

Funding (to 2026):

Visiting & Similar Positions:

2023 - Visitor, CERP Lyon, France                                                    2022 - Visiting Researcher, XLIM Institute, Universite de Limoges

2017-2019: Senior Research Fellow , Lehigh University, PA          2011: Visiting Faculty, University of Brescia

2016: Visitor at GERAD, HEC Montreal                                              2010: Fubright Canada - Visiting Research Chair

2014: Fulbright Eco-Leadership Program Leader                               University of California at Santa Barbara