`((Download/Read)) PDF/EPub The Glorious Pasta of Italy by Domenica Marchetti

30730705608 - Read and download Domenica Marchetti's book The Glorious Pasta of Italy in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book The Glorious Pasta of Italy by Domenica Marchetti.

The Glorious Pasta of Italy

by Domenica Marchetti

Synopsis: Celebrating pasta in all its glorious forms, author Domenica Marchetti draws from her Italian heritage to share 100 classic and modern recipes. Step-by-step instructions for making fresh pasta offer plenty of variations on the classic egg pasta, while a glossary of pasta shapes, a source list for unusual ingredients, and a handy guide for stocking the pantry with pasta essentials encourage the home cook to look beyond simple spaghetti. No matter how you sauce it, The Glorious Pasta of Italy is sure to have pasta lovers everywhere salivating.