`[[Download/Read]] PDF/EPub The Home School of Abundance: Powerful Effective Lessons You should Teach your Child about Money by Teresa Ike

52352451482 - Read and download Teresa Ike's book The Home School of Abundance: Powerful Effective Lessons You should Teach your Child about Money in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book The Home School of Abundance: Powerful Effective Lessons You should Teach your Child about Money by Teresa Ike.

The Home School of Abundance: Powerful Effective Lessons You should Teach your Child about Money

by Teresa Ike

Synopsis: Does poverty or wealth reside in the DNA? Why do the rich perpetuate their wealth and poor people seem to perpetuate their financial struggles?The Home School of Abundance expresses the power of the home in laying the right foundation for financial success.If we understand that what happens to an individual can often be traced back to early childhood influences, we must explore the roots of financial struggles. Parents and other significant others owe a responsibility to be deliberate in the process of laying that healthy blue print on which future financial experiences can be built on.