
Research Statement (Updated: Nov, 2023).

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications in Economics Journals 

The Persistent Effects of in Utero Nutrition Shocks over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Ramadan Fasting, Journal of Development Economics, November 2015

Early-Life Health Shocks and Labor Markets (with  Behrman J.R.), In: Zimmermann K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham,  2021

Minimum Wages Around Birth and Child Health (with Behrman, J. R.),  The World Bank Economic Review, 2023

The nutritional cost of beef bans in India ( with Dasgupta, A.  & Orman, W. H).  Journal of Development Economics, 2023

Conditional Cash Transfers, Women’s Empowerment and Reproductive Choices (with Sonia Laszlo and Laëtitia Renee), Health Economics, 2023.

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications in Interdisciplinary Journals 

Do Minimum Wage Laws Improve Early Life Health? (with Arijit Nandi, Jose Mendoza, Sam Harper and John Frank), Social Science and Medicine,  June 2016

Extending the Global Worm Index and its Links to Human Development and Child Education (with SuJin Kang, Ashish Damania and Peter Hotez), PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases,  June 2018

Pakistan: A Nation Held Back by NTDs (with Alexandar Blum and Peter Hotez), PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Oct 2018

Estimating effects of Uber ride-sharing service on road traffic-related deaths in South Africa: a quasi-experimental study (with Jonathan Huang and Mark Daku), Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,   Feb 2019

Resolving "worm wars": An extended comparison review of findings from key economics and epidemiological studies (with SuJin Kang and Peter Hotez), PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases,  March 2019

Short-term and long-term distributional consequences of prenatal malnutrition and stress: using Ramadan as a natural experiment  (with Jere Behrman and Subha Mani), BMJ Global Health June 2019

Optimising SARS-CoV-2 pooled testing for low-resource settings ( with Asim Ijaz  Khwaja and Saad B. Omer),  Lancet Microbe, June  2020 

Moving Beyond Standard RMNCH Coverage Indicators. Lancet Global Health, 2021.

Select Economics Working Papers 

Parental Responses to Fetal Shocks and Macroeconomic Volatility  (with Rakesh Banerjee). R&R, Review of Economics and Statistics (ReStat).

Minimum Wages and Intergenerational Health (with Jere Behrman  and Hanna Wang),  Draft Here

Parental Responses to Fetal Shocks Over the Life Course (with Rakesh Banerjee). Draft available  upon request. 

Maternal Age and Risky Births ( with Anil Deolalikar and Opinder Kaur). Draft available  upon request. 

Select Economics Papers in Progress

Minimum Wages in Early Life  and Cognitive Performance. 

Long-term Effects of Beef Bans in India  (with Aparajita Dasgupta and Wafa Hakim Orman)

Long-term Effects of Minimum  Wages Over the Life Course.

Short- and Long-term Effects of Feasting Early in Life: Evidence from Eid-ul-Azha.

Patterns and Determinants of Infant Health Inequality in Pakistan vs. India Since 1880.