
We lost about 1000 books in the flames. Our library used to look like this:

Lawrie Maher is the guru de books.

Then this:

He'll appreciate any assistance getting it right in the new facility.

We've decided to keep just fiction titles only. Our local Council, Archives & Charles Sturt libraries have incredible collections for the research orientated. We are into the escapist stuff.

The Library is a simple honour system - put-n-take. Bring your excess to share with other members & take whatever you enjoy. We hope you'll remember to bring it back - if that doesn't happen, it was probably Altzheimers

Then this:

Now this:

Through donations we have now received about 2000 books in boxes and here they are up on the (donated) shelves near the (donated) flat TV screen, mounted on the (donated) cabinet containing the (donated)stereo amplifier.

We could have a book club... who knows? The Wagga Wagga City Council Librarians are keen to help us set one up.

We now have dedicated library helpers - who keep the books in alphabetical order. No catalogues and no sign out/in controls - if you want to read a book, just take it and do so. When you return it, bring another one with you.

If you like books & can't run up ladders or weld or dig drains, here's your opportunity to contribute.