Multi-Physics Finite Element Solver (MUPFES) package is a parallel partial differential equations (PDE) solver. Primary design goals are performance and maintanability. These are achieved by utilizing modular programming concept in Fortran 2003, using efficient parallel data structures, and novel algorithms in its linear algebraic equation solver, memLS, that is integrated into MUPFES. Significant effort is made to write a concise code that is easy to understand and expand in the future.

MUPFES solves a wide range of linear and nonlinear problems, such as incompressible fluid flow, non-linear structure, heat, advection-diffusion, and fluid-structure interaction governing equations. MUPFES is compatible with several mesh formats and can read a wide range of 2D and 3D elements types, including NURBS for isogeometric analysis. For parallel simulations, it internally partitions the mesh using ParMETIS and produces binary files that can be directly used for visualization, as well as other user-specific outputs, after launching the simulation.

To simplify the end-user interface, an scripting language is designed and embedded in MUPFES. User can specify problem parameters, equations, and boundary conditions and import the mesh through this interface. A separate Graphical User Interface (GUI) is also designed for those users who are not familiar with or do not wish to use this scripting language. See this link for a quick tutorial on how run a fluid flow simulation and this link to perform residence time calculation.

MUPFES results are validated1,2 and has been used in a study of congenital heart disease3, embryonic development of Zebra fish4, and assessment of residence time5,6. Its novel algorithms are presented in several publications7,8. All the simulations related to clinical studies shown under research section are performed using MUPFES. The methods described in that section are all implemented in this package as well.

To obtain a copy and compile the code read this page.