What is Real Beauty?

When it comes to beauty....

One size does NOT fit all!

Click here

to see just

how misleading

media images

can be.

Sometimes a

girl can be her

harshest critic.

Watch this video

to learn more.

Real Beauty is ageless!

Girls face stress and pressure. They may worry about how they look. They may worry about how they fit in. They may compare themselves to other girls. Many girls compare themselves to images they see in the media. A girl's definition of "beauty" can have a big impact on how she feels about herself and her world. It can be helpful to remind girls that "beauty" is not narrowly defined...That it does not come in one size, shape, or color. Girls can benefit from adults who emphasize that "real beauty" is character, integrity, authenticity, health, and kindness.

...at 91, she is

the world's oldest yoga instructor!