Telehealth Services

Teletherapy counseling for adults

What is Teletherapy?

  • Teletherapy, also known as Telehealth, Telepsychology, and Telemental Health, is a service provided by mental health professionals using technology instead of traditional face-to-face or in-person office sessions.

What types of technology are used for Teletherapy?

  • Technology may include phone, email, webcams, mobile apps, webpages or adaptive and assistive equipment.

  • Working with a psychologist usually takes place in real time (via webcams or phone).

What are the benefits of Teletherapy?

  • Research has found that video therapy is as effective as in-person therapy.

  • Access to therapy from the privacy of your own home or office.

  • Flexible scheduling.

  • No travel time to and from sessions.

  • Increased access to therapy for individuals with physical, medical and/or mobility disabilities.

  • Increased access to specialists regardless of geographic area.

  • Increased access to services in areas with few mental health resources.

  • Increased access to psychologists with specialized training and experience.

  • Increased access to therapy for individuals who may have difficulty attending therapy on-site (e.g., those with post-traumatic stress disorder or agoraphobia).

  • More time to collect information about thoughts, feelings and behaviors outside of the sessions.

Are Teletherapy video appointments HIPAA Compliant?

  • Yes, the interaction between the individual client and the psychologist is secure and HIPAA compliant. The teleconferencing software encrypts all forms of data (video and audio) for your security.

Are there laws or guidelines in my state regulating Teletherapy and Telepsychology?

  • Please refer to your state's Psychology Board website for specific information regarding laws and guidelines.

Does Teletherapy requires special software or technical skills?

  • No, all you need is a computer (with an integrated camera). It’s as simple as that!

  • You will be provided with a unique link to the secure program used by Dr. Lanza for your sessions.