
Melbourne Dharma Realm (MDR)

What Do We Do?

Join us now!

Weekly Meditation and Shurangama Sutra Reading 

Where: Mont Albert North or Skype

When: Every Saturday            

5: 00 to 6:00pm (Melb time) Shurangama Sutra         Reading 

To participate: melbdharmarealm@gmail.com 

Upcoming Events:

Buddha's Day Event

Date: 29 April 2023

Venue: 33 Princess Street, St Albans

Community Centre & Bowery Theatre (Free event)

Dharma Assembly @ Gold Coast Dharma Realm

All events in 2023

Website: www.gcdr.org.au  

 Main Branch:

Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (USA) 


Melbourne Dharma Realm (MDR) aims to disseminate the genuine teachings of the Buddha throughout the world. The Association is dedicated to guide people who wish to study Buddhism, by translating the Buddhist canon and propagating its teachings, by promoting education that instills in learners a moral foundation and ethical behavior, and by bringing benefit and happiness to all beings.

Its hope is that individuals, families, the society, the nation, and the entire world will, under the transforming influence of the Buddhadharma, gradually reach the state of ultimate truth and goodness.

DRBA-USA and its branches and affiliates all strive to maintain Six Guidelines given by the Master. They are:

1. Refrain from fighting; do not contend.

2. Refrain from being greedy; want less.

3. Refrain from all sorts of seeking; be content.

4. Refrain from being selfish; nurture a magnanimous spirit.

5. Refrain from pursuing personal advantages; keep a low profile and life.

6. Refrain from lying; tell the truth.

Looking for English and Mandarin Dharma Books?

Contact Mobile:   0407368826

Email: melbdhramarealm@gmail.com