How to Talk About Medical Cannabis With Your Family?

In spite of the fact that the use of medical cannabis is widely accepted and even advocated, there is still a stigma that surrounds the plant. And if you are a patient, who considers getting his MMJ recommendation done to include medical cannabis as a part of his treatment, then it can be quite challenging for you to talk to your parents about it.

But why is this so?

Because logically some family members are apprehensive of the legal outcomes of the choices we make. And the major reason behind it is that cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug at the federal level. And this is why some of the older relatives consider cannabis as outdated propaganda and reefer madness. They are also worried that you’ll get engraved down into the drug and it will cause some kind of harm to you.

All of this is due to a lack of complete education and knowledge about medical cannabis. If you too are in a similar situation, then read on further for some helpful advice on talking to your parents.

Decide Where And When to Discuss

If you have a large family, then before making this big announcement, decide whom to tell and whom to not. As the conversation will more likely end up or convert into a political battle. And if your’s is a small family of two to three members, then having a one-on-one discussion would be a better idea. As in this way, each person would be able to share his thoughts in a non-judgemental manner.

Whatever the case may be, just ensure that you have to converse with an open heart and mind. As it’s your own choice about your body and only you can validate your feelings well. And remember to stay calm and composed and try to make the whole conversation more productive rather than a battleground.

Foresee Questions And Negative Reactions

If you are talking on this topic to your family, then you probably might have done a considerable amount of research on it. Also, don’t forget that your loved ones don’t have enough knowledge as much as you have. And due to this, they’ll likely have stereotypical images of you smoking a joint even when you’ll actually be talking of consuming edibles or tinctures. So, talk to them about the different consumption methods and the reasons behind choosing a particular one over the others.

Since you have chosen medical cannabis for getting relief from your health condition, then discussing the latest research on that particular condition with cannabis will help in making them understand in a better way. You can also bring up the conversation you had with your doctor regarding medical cannabis. And though most of the concerns are related to the legalities of cannabis, you can tell all you know about the laws and regulations of cannabis in your state. Assure them that you are taking their concerns seriously and you will abide by the laws in a committed manner. And only you can make them understand that medical cannabis will be a potential solution to your health condition.

Also Read: Top 5 Most Potent Cannabis Strains