Urgent Care Billing Challenges can be Avoided with a Competent Partner

Any leading urgent care practice will tell you that managing their billing and keeping up to the demands of patient care is an uphill task to manage! For example, how do we bill for the urgent care codes S9088 which are the services to be billed for every visit in an urgent care center with an E/M code, with the exception of Medicare. So it is add on code and cannot be billed alone. Finding a team that can help you manage all the details for urgent care can be an uphill task.

Some demographic details such as name, date of birth, reason for the visit should be taken along with insurance details, primary care provider and the policy number. Up to date patient record improves the tone of your urgent care billing. To reduce challenges with rising operational costs, pending collections, it is all about partner with a quality team that knows how to deliver excellence in urgent care billing.

Sunknowledge has a complete plan of action

Driving ROI for some of the largest urgent care across the country, we have grown as complete healthcare billing services company. At present, we are delivering full service support to the largest urgent care in New York and have set benchmarks as a revenue cycle management partner for them. Also, our team knows what it takes to eliminate proven flaws in your practice management efforts, what to do when it comes to up grading your collections by setting the right processes in place. We have reduced operational costs by almost 70% for the largest with great references.

Know from our team, how we deliver you a complete action plan for increasing reimbursement for your urgent care billing. Our ability to define your collections are driven by success stories on how we have reduced their challenges by working as an extension to their operations. Speak to us on how we can be your ultimate urgent care billing partner and that too at just $7 per hour or at 1.99% of collections.