Awards, scholarships, and grants

  • Best presentation award December 2020

    • 3rd International Conference on Material Strengths and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2020)

    • the award is based on the high research quality, excellent presentation performance and the votes received. With this award, a free registration to the MSAM 2021 will be provided.

  • I-INCE Young Professional Congress Attendance Grant [€ 600] May 2019

    • International Institute of Noise Control Engineering

    • a grant to expose young acousticians, to give them experience in public presentation and paper writing, and assist them in the development of networking abilities. This grant enables these young professionals to attend the INTER-NOISE Congress and to network with senior peers.

  • Start-up budget for the tenure-track position [€ 50 000] May 2019

    • ENTEG - Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen, University of Groningen

    • University support for tenure-track assistant professors

  • EUROMECH Colloquim "Emergent topics in phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials" [€ 2 500] April 2019

    • EUROpean MECHanics Society Council

    • for co-organizing a EUROMECH Colloquim

  • EWM travel grant [€ 200] Mar 2019

    • European Women in Mathematics Society

    • a travel grant for EWM female members at an early stage of their carrier for participating in a significant conference in their field

  • Researcher grant [€ 1 270] May 2018

    • Metamaterials Congress 2018 in Espoo, Finland

    • a grant for a delegate attending the Congress including the registration fee and a partial support of travel expenses.

  • Short-term scientific mission grant [€ 2 500] Mar 2018

    • LAUM-UMR CNRS, University of Le Mans, France

    • the grant in the framework of the DENORMS Actions for an exchange visit to the group of Dr. J.-P. Groby, University of Le Mans, France

  • IACM Fellowship for Early Career Female Researchers [$ 800] July 2016

    • International Association for Computational Mechanics, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Seoul, South Korea

    • the travel award for outstanding young researcher who are in the top 10% among 700 young participants of the WCCM 2016 Congress .

  • EU COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant [€ 100 000] Jan 2016-Dec 2017

    • Department of Physics, University of Turin, Italy

    • EU 7th Framework programme for research and innovation, Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N. 609402-2020 researchers: Train to Move (T2M), Turin, Italy

  • WISE-network simulation grant [€ 500] May 2015

    • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technololy (TU/e), the Netherlands

    • Support for female researchers at TU/e to attend an international conference

  • 1-year University Fellowship named after M. Grushevskyi [a 1-year long double salary] Sep 2005

    • Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine

    • The University provides an annual fellowship to three best PhD students for excellent academic achievements

  • DAAD- scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service) [€ 5 000] May 2003

    • University of Potsdam, Germany

    • an international fellowship for one-month study and training of German language in Germany

Computational Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME) > Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen (ENTEG) > Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) > University of Groningen, the Netherlands