
Editorial and Reviewing Activities

Editorial activities

Associate Editor

Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE Publishers) December 2019 – now

Review Editor

Frontiers in Materials (Nature Publications Group) May 2018 - now

Guest Associate Editor

Special Issue “Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials” of Frontiers in Materials (Nature Publications Group) 2016-2018

Special Issue "Frontiers in Materials: Rising Stars 2020" (Nature Publications Group) January 2020-now

Reviewer of research proposals

  1. External Reviewer for Engineering Panel (ERG5) funded by French National Research Agency (ANR) and Research Grant Council (Hong Kong) Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 2018/2019 (link) May-Jun 2018.

  2. Remote Evaluator for REA-FET-OPEN – FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking, Research and Innovation Actions in the framework of Horizon 2020 (link) Jun-Jul 2018.

  3. External Reviewer of proposals for Swiss National Science Foundation, Nov-Dec 2020.

Reviewer for conferences

  1. 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena “Metamaterials 2017”, Marseille (France) 28 August-2 September 2017

  2. 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena “Metamaterials 2018”, Espoo (Finland) 27 August-1 September 2018

  3. 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena “Metamaterials 2019”, Rome (Italy) 16-21 September 2019

  4. 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena “Metamaterials 2020”, New York (US, online format) 28 September-1 October 2020

  5. 2nd International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2019), Kyiv (Ukraine) 27-30 May 2019

Reviewer for journals (in the alphabetic order)

  1. Acta Acustica united with Acustica

  2. Applied Acoustics

  3. Applied Mathematical Modelling

  4. Applied Physics A

  5. Applied Physics Letters

  6. ASME Journal of Acoustics and Vibration

  7. Crystals

  8. Composite Structures

  9. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

  10. Engineering Structures

  11. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids

  12. Extreme Mechanics Letters

  13. Frontiers Built Environment

  14. Frontiers in Materials

  15. International Journal of Solids and Structures

  16. Journal of Acoustical Society of America

  17. Journal of Applied Physics

  18. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences

  19. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids

  20. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

  21. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

  22. Journal of Sound and Vibration

  23. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences

  24. Materials

  25. Materials & Design

  26. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

  27. Mechanics Research Communications

  28. New Journal of Physics

  29. NPJ Computational Materials

  30. Proceedings of the Royal Society A

  31. Physica B

  32. Physical Review Applied

  33. Physical Review Letters

  34. Scientific Reports

  35. Smart Materials and Structures

  36. Tribology International

Organizational activities

Technical Committee member

The International Conference on Material Strength & Applied Mechanics (link)

Organization of scientific events

  • Co-organizer, EUROMECH Colloquim on Emergent Topics in Phononics and Acoustic Metamaterials in cooperation with Dr. D. T. Torrent, Castellon de la Plana (Spain) 5-7 April 2021 (link).

  • Co-organizer, Mini-Symposium on Architected and Functional Materials in cooperation with Dr. S. Rudykh, 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics Taipei (Taiwan) 17-21 Dec 2019

  • Co-organizer, International Workshop on Acoustic and Seismic Metamaterials in cooperation with Dr. A. Colombi, Dr. M. Miniaci, Prof. R. Craster (20-30 participants) Imperial College London, London (UK) 15-16 May 2018

  • Co-organizer, Mini-Symposium on Computational Design and Dynamics of Lattice Metamaterials in cooperation with Dr. A. Amendola, G. Carpetieri, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods, Rome (Italy) 6-10 Aug 2018

  • Co-organizer, International Workshop “Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials” in cooperation with Dr. M. Miniaci, Prof. N.M. Pugno, Prof. D. Bigoni (link)(30-40 participants) University of Trento, Trento (Italy) 10-11 Oct 2016