
Welcome to Meander project. Meander is a java standalone application for visualization of genomics based on Read Depth (RD) and Pair-End (PE) information. It is mainly developed to visually discover and explore structural variations in a genome. Meander utilizes both a linear (1024 pixels) and a Hilbert curve-based representation (2D plane of 512x512 pixels) to visualize genomic variations. It is able to show data 5 different resolution levels while it can additionally overlay already predicted variations from external software. It supports a  comparison of four different samples a

gainst a common reference simultaneously while it is able to highlihght SVs  supported by double evidence (RD + PE)

Meander is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for comparative genomics aiming to aid researchers in identifying SVs that might be causative for various genetic disorders.

URL: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~bioiuser/meander/


Basic features

Please cite: 

Meander: visually exploring the structural variome using space-filling curves.

Pavlopoulos GA, Sifrim A, Sakai R, Kumar PD, Voet T, Moreau Y, Aerts J.

Nucleid Acid Research 2013, 1:9 doi:10.1093/nar/gkt254 PMID:23605045