Install MCCE

This source code is based on MCCE 2.3. I removed the library dependencies so all you need is a gfortran and gcc compiler.

To download:

mcce2.7: mcce source code.

getpdb: an updated command line tool to download pdb file from Protein Data Bank a script to pre-process PDB file to make it friendly to MCCE a command line tool to analyze ionization free energy. documentation

To install

On Mac OS X, an explicit memory free for tree is not supported. You may have to change this subroutine in file lib/db.c

/* release database memory */ void free_param() {    tdestroy(param_root, free);    return; }


/* release database memory */ void free_param() {    return; }

A set of sample run.prm files are under top mcce directory.

To install through conda

You can install mcce through conda 

conda install -c mcce   


Test run mcce program

Assume mcce was compiled under /home/jmao/mcce2.7, mcce and delphi executables are now located under /home/jmao/mcce2.7/bin directory. Your installation location may differ.