University and School Teaching, Tutoring and Thesis Supervisions

Unlike other academic webpages, this subpage of by website is considerably large because teaching is my biggest job passion. Here you can find the curriculum of what I currently teach and what I have taught in the past, as well as slides, assessments and tools that you can freely use (under appreciated deserved acknowledgments). You can also find the link to the subwebpage of my private tutoring profile (in, a Spanish website aggregator for tutoring ads) and a list of my successful MSc and PhD supervisees (either fully or partially supported).

(slides, assessments and others to be published here soon)

Oeiras International School [2023-now]

- MYP: Mathematics and Mathematics Standard - students of years 9,10 and 11

- DP: Mathematics  Analysis and Approaches Standard Level - students of years 12, 13

British Montessori School of Madrid [2022-2023]

- Information and Communication Technology - students of years 7,8,9

- Computer Science - students of years 10, 11, 12, 13

Economics Department - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) [2021-now]

Assistant/Visiting Professor:

- Trabajos de Fin de Grado (BSc) - Spring 2021,2022,2023

* Microeconomics (BSc) - Spring 2021

- Applied Reading Group Organizer and Discussant - Spring 2022

Private tutor (profile webpage link) online and in presence classes [2012-now]

- Programming (Stata, R, Python, Web scraping, Matlab, VBA, SQL, Computer Science Cambridge Curriculum)

      - tutored students of different degrees at NovaSBE, UCAMurcia, UPCatalunya, UniAlcalá, Univ. Francisco de Vitoria, IMF Smart Education, British School of Barcelona

- Economics (school and university levels)

      - tutored students of different degrees at NovaSBE

- Mathamatics and Statistics/Econometrics (school and university levels)

      - tutored students of different degrees at NovaSBE, Católica Lisbon SBE, ISEG, IADE, UC3M, UniSalamanca

UCL and NovaSBE Teaching [2013-2018]

Economics Department - University College London (UCL) [2016-2018]

Teaching Assistant:

* Public Microeconomics - Spring 2018 - awarded Excellence in Teaching on a MSc optional module

* Economics of Labour - Fall 2017

- Panel Data Methods (CEMMAP) - Spring 2016

- Research Methods in Economics (MATLAB) - Springs 2016-2018

Nova School of Business and Economics (NovaSBE) [2013-2015]

(BSc) Teaching Assistant:

- Maths for Managers - August 2015

  (online videos available upon request)

* Econometrics - Year 2014-2015

* Data Analysis and Probability - Spring 2014

* Calculus I - Fall 2013

(MSc) Grader:

- Numerical Methods and MATLAB - Springs 2014/2015

- Labour Economics - Springs 2014/2015

- Financial Econometrics - Fall 2014

Microsoft Excel Educator - Year 2014/2015

* student evaluations available under request

PhD and MSc Supervisions [2019-now]

I am very proud to say I have (co-)supervised: