Working Papers

In preparation for submission. Updated versions to be uploaded soon!

"Firm-level Effects of Reductions in Working Hours" (with  Alessandro Tondini) - working paper version

"Which Entrepreneurs Are Financially Constrained?" (with Miguel Ferreira, Francisco Queiró and Hugo Reis)

"I Like the Way You Move: Tax Competition in Portuguese Municipal Corporate Income Tax" (with Susana Peralta) 

- "The Impact of Wildfires on Employment and Productivity" (joint with Inês Póvoa) - final draft available soon

- "Flexible Working Arrangements" (joint with Susana Peralta and Ana Catarina Pintassilgo) - final draft available soon

- "Correcting selection in age-earning profiles" (joint with Pedro Carneiro and Cristina Santos) - final draft available soon

Other work for major revisions:

"Job Security and Fertility Decisions

"Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages