Portugal Maps

The files below were constructed based on the shape files provided by GADM database - Portugal. Feel free to share this with other researchers. Acknowledgments and suggestions are welcome!

How does it work:

1) Download each of these files to the same folder

- GPS coordinates that define the borders

- districts

- municipalities

- parishes (valid before 2013)

- link between region id and INE code

- districts

- municipalities

- parishes (available soon)

2) Link your data with the region id via INE code (identifier of the region according to INE, see here how to get it in case your database only has names and no codes)

3) use spmap command:

e.g. spmap numfirms using munic_coordinates if year==2013 & region!="Azores" & region!="Madeira", id(id) saving(numfirmsmap)

The command above paints the number of firms by municipality, for the year of 2013, in Portugal Mainland (excluding Azores and Madeira) and saves the graph as the name "numfirmsmap".