Written, reviewed - rewritten, reviewed - and published.

In press

Milosavljevic, A., Castelain, T., Pouscoulous, N. & Mazzarella, D. (in press). The developmental puzzle of irony understanding: Is epistemic vigilance the missing piece? Journal of Child Language

Giunta, G., Mazzarella, D. & Domaneschi, F. (in press). Are presuppositions really misleading? Assessing the impact of linguistic encoding, at-issueness, and source reliability on epistemic vigilance. Mind & Language.

Bersier, B., Mazzarella, D. & Zufferey, S. (in press). "Troubles-talk": How do we criticize and reply to criticisms in French? An experimental investigation. Pragmatics & Cognition


Mazzaggio, G., Zappoli, A. & Mazzarella, D. (2024). Verbal irony and the implicitness of the echo: The processing of young and older adults. Pragmatics & Cognition, 30 (2), 412-443. 

Gotzner, N. & Mazzarella, D. (2024). Negative strengthening: Interplay of evaluative polarity and scale structure. Journal of Semantics, 41 (1), 103-117. https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffae004

Mazzarella, D & Vaccargiu, E. (2024). Communication: Inferring speaker intentions or perceiving the world? Journal of Pragmatics, 221, 123-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2023.12.014

Pozzi, M., Bangerter, A. & Mazzarella, D. (2024). Does lexical coordination affect epistemic and practical trust? The role of conceptual pacts. Cognitive Science, 48 (1), e13372 https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13372


Pozzi, M. & Mazzarella, D. (2023). What's your evidence? The psychological foundations of the evaluation of testimony. Ars Interpretandi, Rivista di ermeneutica giuridica,  2, 113-128. doi: 10.7382/108913

Noveck, I, Griffen, N & Mazzarella, D. (2023). Taking stock of an idiom's background assumptions: An alternative Relevance Theoretic account. Frontiers in Psychology (Research Topic "Relevance in Mind"), 14, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1117847

Mazzarella, D. & Pouscoulous, N. (2023). Ironic speakers, vigilant hearers. Intercultural Pragmatics, 20(2), 111-132. 

Pozzi, M. & Mazzarella, D. (2023). Speaker trustworthiness: shall confidence match evidence? Philosophical Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515089.2023.2193220

Hall, A. & Mazzarella, D. (2023) Pragmatic inference, levels of meaning and speaker accountability. Journal of Pragmatics, 205, 92-110.


Mazzarella, D., Negro, A., & Penco, C. (2022). Contexts: Everything you always wanted to know about context (but were afraid to ask). Argumenta, 15, 9-33.

Mazzarella, D. & Vaccargiu, E. (2022). Il rompicapo della fiducia epistemica. Tra psicologia dello sviluppo e pragmatica della comunicazione. Sistemi Intelligenti, Rivista quadrimestrale di scienze cognitive e di intelligenza artificiale, 2, 291-308. doi: 10.1422/105041 

Mazzarella, D. (2022) Pragmatica Lessicale. In Bambini, V & Domaneschi, F. (eds.) Pragmatica sperimentale. Bologna: Il Mulino.


Mazzarella, D. (2021). 'I didn't mean to suggest anything like that! Deniability and context re-construction'. Mind & Language. https://doi.org/10.1111/mila.12377

Mazzarella, D. & Noveck. I. (2021). Pragmatics and mind reading: The puzzle of autism. Language, 97(3), 198-210. https://doi.org/10.1353/lan.2021.0037

Talia, A., Duschinsky, R., Mazzarella, D., Hauschild, S., & Taubner, S. (2021). Epistemic trust and the emergence of conduct problems: Aggression in the service of communication. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 710011-710011. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.710011

Gotzner, N., & Mazzarella, D. (2021). Face management and negative strengthening: The role of power relations, social distance, and gender. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 602977-602977. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.602977

Mazzarella, D. & Gotzner, N. (2021). The polarity asymmetry of negative strengthening: Dissociating adjectival polarity from negative strengthening. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1): 47, 1–17. https://doi. org/10.5334/gjgl.1342


Mazzarella, D. & Pouscoulous, N. (2020). Pragmatics and epistemic vigilance: A developmental perspective. Mind & Language, 36(3), 355-376. https://doi.org/10.1111/mila.12287


Mazzarella, D. & Domaneschi, F. (2018). Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication. Journal of Pragmatics, 138, 17-29.

Mazzarella, D., Reinecke, R., Noveck, I. & Mercier, H. (2018) Saying, presupposing and implicating: How pragmatics modulate commitment. Journal of Pragmatics, 133, 15-27. 

Mazzarella, D., Trouche, E., Mercier, H. & Noveck, I. (2018) Believing what you're told: Politeness and scalar inferences. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00908


Mazzarella, D. Critical Notice on Imagination and Convention by E. Lepore and M. Stone, Analysis.


Mazzarella, D. Pragmatics, modularity and epistemic vigilance. Argumenta 1(2), 181-193.


Mazzarella, D. Pragmatics and epistemic vigilance: The deployment of sophisticated interpretative strategies. Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 15(44), 183-199.

Mazzarella, D. Politeness, relevance and scalar inferences. Journal of Pragmatics, 79, 93-106.


Mazzarella, D. Is inference necessary to pragmatics? Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 28,71-95.

Dulcinati, G., Mazzarella, D., Pouscoulous, N. & Rodd, J. Processing metaphor: The role of conventionality, familiarity and dominance. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 26, 72-88.


Mazzarella, D. 'Optimal relevance' as a pragmatic criterion: The role of epistemic vigilance. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 25, 20-45.

Mazzarella, D. Associative and inferential approaches to pragmatics: the state of the art of experimental investigation. Methode - Analytic Perspectives (Special Issue on ' New Perspectives for the Philosophy of Cognitive Science'), 2(2), 179-194.


Mazzarella, D., Accessibility and relevance: a fork in the road. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 23, 11-20.