
In press

Milosavljevic, A., Castelain, T., Pouscoulous, N. & Mazzarella, D. (in press). The developmental puzzle of irony understanding: Is epistemic vigilance the missing piece? Journal of Child Language

Giunta, G., Mazzarella, D. & Domaneschi, F. (in press). Are presuppositions really misleading? Assessing the impact of linguistic encoding, at-issueness, and source reliability on epistemic vigilance. Mind & Language.

Bersier, B., Mazzarella, D. & Zufferey, S. (in press). "Troubles-talk": How do we criticize and reply to criticisms in French? An experimental investigation. Pragmatics & Cognition


Mazzaggio, G., Zappoli, A. & Mazzarella, D. (2024). Verbal irony and the implicitness of the echo: The processing of young and older adults. Pragmatics & Cognition, 30 (2), 412-443. 

Gotzner, N. & Mazzarella, D. (2024). Negative strengthening: Interplay of evaluative polarity and scale structure. Journal of Semantics, 41 (1), 103-117.

Mazzarella, D & Vaccargiu, E. (2024). Communication: Inferring speaker intentions or perceiving the world? Journal of Pragmatics, 221, 123-136.

Pozzi, M., Bangerter, A. & Mazzarella, D. (2024). Does lexical coordination affect epistemic and practical trust? The role of conceptual pacts. Cognitive Science, 48 (1), e13372


Pozzi, M. & Mazzarella, D. (2023). What's your evidence? The psychological foundations of the evaluation of testimony. Ars Interpretandi, Rivista di ermeneutica giuridica,  2, 113-128. doi: 10.7382/108913

Noveck, I, Griffen, N & Mazzarella, D. (2023). Taking stock of an idiom's background assumptions: An alternative Relevance Theoretic account. Frontiers in Psychology (Research Topic "Relevance in Mind"), 14, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1117847

Mazzarella, D. & Pouscoulous, N. (2023). Ironic speakers, vigilant hearers. Intercultural Pragmatics, 20(2), 111-132. 

Pozzi, M. & Mazzarella, D. (2023). Speaker trustworthiness: shall confidence match evidence? Philosophical Psychology.

Hall, A. & Mazzarella, D. (2023) Pragmatic inference, levels of meaning and speaker accountability. Journal of Pragmatics, 205, 92-110.


Mazzarella, D., Negro, A., & Penco, C. (2022). Contexts: Everything you always wanted to know about context (but were afraid to ask). Argumenta, 15, 9-33.

Mazzarella, D. & Vaccargiu, E. (2022). Il rompicapo della fiducia epistemica. Tra psicologia dello sviluppo e pragmatica della comunicazione. Sistemi Intelligenti, Rivista quadrimestrale di scienze cognitive e di intelligenza artificiale, 2, 291-308. doi: 10.1422/105041 

Mazzarella, D. (2022) Pragmatica Lessicale. In Bambini, V & Domaneschi, F. (eds.) Pragmatica sperimentale. Bologna: Il Mulino.


Mazzarella, D. (2021). 'I didn't mean to suggest anything like that! Deniability and context re-construction'. Mind & Language.

Mazzarella, D. & Noveck. I. (2021). Pragmatics and mind reading: The puzzle of autism. Language, 97(3), 198-210.

Talia, A., Duschinsky, R., Mazzarella, D., Hauschild, S., & Taubner, S. (2021). Epistemic trust and the emergence of conduct problems: Aggression in the service of communication. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 710011-710011.

Gotzner, N., & Mazzarella, D. (2021). Face management and negative strengthening: The role of power relations, social distance, and gender. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 602977-602977.

Mazzarella, D. & Gotzner, N. (2021). The polarity asymmetry of negative strengthening: Dissociating adjectival polarity from negative strengthening. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1): 47, 1–17. https://doi. org/10.5334/gjgl.1342


Mazzarella, D. & Pouscoulous, N. (2020). Pragmatics and epistemic vigilance: A developmental perspective. Mind & Language, 36(3), 355-376.


Mazzarella, D. & Domaneschi, F. (2018). Presuppositional effects and ostensive-inferential communication. Journal of Pragmatics, 138, 17-29.

Mazzarella, D., Reinecke, R., Noveck, I. & Mercier, H. (2018) Saying, presupposing and implicating: How pragmatics modulate commitment. Journal of Pragmatics, 133, 15-27. 

Mazzarella, D., Trouche, E., Mercier, H. & Noveck, I. (2018) Believing what you're told: Politeness and scalar inferences. Frontiers in Psychology.


Mazzarella, D. Critical Notice on Imagination and Convention by E. Lepore and M. Stone, Analysis.


Mazzarella, D. Pragmatics, modularity and epistemic vigilance. Argumenta 1(2), 181-193.


Mazzarella, D. Pragmatics and epistemic vigilance: The deployment of sophisticated interpretative strategies. Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 15(44), 183-199.

Mazzarella, D. Politeness, relevance and scalar inferences. Journal of Pragmatics, 79, 93-106.


Mazzarella, D. Is inference necessary to pragmatics? Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 28,71-95.

Dulcinati, G., Mazzarella, D., Pouscoulous, N. & Rodd, J. Processing metaphor: The role of conventionality, familiarity and dominance. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 26, 72-88.


Mazzarella, D. 'Optimal relevance' as a pragmatic criterion: The role of epistemic vigilance. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 25, 20-45.

Mazzarella, D. Associative and inferential approaches to pragmatics: the state of the art of experimental investigation. Methode - Analytic Perspectives (Special Issue on ' New Perspectives for the Philosophy of Cognitive Science'), 2(2), 179-194.


Mazzarella, D., Accessibility and relevance: a fork in the road. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, 23, 11-20.