

Intermittency or uncertainty? Impacts of renewable energy in electricity markets (with Paige Weber). Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, accepted. Winner of the 2022 USAEE Young Professional Best Paper Award. Media coverage: Ergs and Equilibrium podcast. [Online appendix]

Linking carbon markets with different initial conditions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 119. 2023.

Panel data and experimental design (with Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas). Journal of Development Economics, 144. 2020. [Blog post] [Stata package]

Flexibility and stringency in greenhouse gas regulations (with Dallas Burtraw and Alan Krupnick). Environmental and Resource Economics, 63 (2): 225-248. 2016.

Incentives, margins, and cost effectiveness in comprehensive climate policy for the power sector (with Anthony Paul and Karen Palmer). Climate Change Economics, 6 (4): 1-27. 2015.

Analysis of the Bingaman Clean Energy Standard proposal (with Anthony Paul and Karen Palmer). Resource and Energy Economics, 36 (1): 113-129. 2014.

Economic ideas for a complex climate policy regime (with Dallas Burtraw). Energy Economics, 40 (Supplement 1): S24-S31. 2013.

Reliability in the U.S. electricity industry under new environmental regulations (with Dallas Burtraw, Karen Palmer, Anthony Paul, and Blair Beasley). Energy Policy, 62: 1078-1091. 2013.

Modeling a clean energy standard for electricity: Policy design implications for emissions, supply, prices and regions (with Anthony Paul and Karen Palmer). Energy Economics, 36: 108-124. 2013.

Cost-effectiveness and economic incidence of a clean energy standard (with Bryan K. Mignone, Thomas Alfstad, Aaron Bergman, Kenneth Dubin, Richard Duke, Paul Friley, Andrew Martinez, Matthew Mowers, Karen Palmer, Anthony Paul, Sharon Showalter, Daniel Steinberg, and Frances Wood). Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 1 (3): 59-86. 2012.

Secular trends, environmental regulations, and electricity markets (with Dallas Burtraw, Karen Palmer, and Anthony Paul). The Electricity Journal, 25 (6): 35-47. 2012.

Retail electricity price savings from compliance flexibility in GHG standards for stationary sources (with Dallas Burtraw and Anthony Paul). Energy Policy, 42: 67-77. 2012. Media coverage: The Huffington Post

Strategies for mitigating climate change through energy efficiency: The RFF Haiku electricity market model (with Anthony Paul and Karen Palmer). The Energy Journal, 32 (Special Issue): 193-212. 2011.

Federal policies for renewable electricity: Impacts and interactions (with Karen Palmer, Anthony Paul, and Daniel C. Steinberg). Energy Policy, 39 (7): 3975-3991. 2011.

Working papers

Market size and market power: Evidence from the Texas electricity market [Appendix]. Revisions requested, The RAND Journal of Economics.
Media coverage: Energy Institute Blog.

Groundwater and crop choice in the short and long run (with Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas).
NBER Working Paper 28706. Media coverage: Barron's, UCLA Anderson Forecast Direct podcast.

Mass reproducibility and replicability: A new hope (with Abel Brodeur, Derek Mikola, Nikolai Cook et al.)
I4R Discussion Paper No. 107.

Intermittency and uncertainty in wind and solar energy generation: An econometric approach to their impact on the French intraday market price (with Maurice K. Ekoue and Cédric Clastres).
CEEM Working Paper 64.

Work in progress

Groundwater in a changing climate (with R. Aaron Hrozencik, Fiona Burlig, and Louis Preonas)

Unintended consequences of surface irrigation project for groundwater recharge in India (with Prashikdivya Gajbhiye and Nilesh Shinde)

Dynamics of linking sectoral carbon markets (with Dallas Burtraw, Michael Pahle, and Simon Quemin)

Pricing the pump: Demand response to two-part electricity tariffs (with Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas)

The supply of energy services: Do local service providers use DSO or telecommunication network? (with Cédric Clastres and Rania Mabrouk)

Unit commitment model of wholesale electricity market dynamics (with Yongjoon Park)

Forecasting the effects of climate change on power plants (with Xiaolin Zhou)

Other publications and media

Yellow vests, pessimistic beliefs, and carbon tax aversion (2022): A comment (with Nicholas Rivers and Kareman Yassin). I4R Discussion Paper No. 58. 2023. [Replication package]

Water shortages threaten the economy and our food supply (with Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas). Barron's, October 4, 2021.

Groundwater use in California agriculture (with Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas). Forecast Direct podcast, UCLA Anderson School of Management, July 17, 2021.

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards analysis deconstructed: Changing assumptions, changing results (with Blair Beasley, Anthony Paul, Dallas Burtraw, and Karen Palmer). RFF Discussion Paper 13-10. 2013.

Linking by degrees: Incremental alignment of cap-and-trade markets (with Dallas Burtraw, Karen Palmer, Clayton Munnings, and Paige Weber). RFF Discussion Paper 13-04. 2013.

Clean air regulations and the electricity sector (with Karen Palmer, Dallas Burtraw, Anthony Paul, and Blair Beasley). Resources Magazine, Fall 2012.

US status on climate change mitigation (with Dallas Burtraw). RFF Discussion Paper 12-48. 2012. [Blog post 1] [Blog post 2] Also published as Mistra Indigo Policy Paper 1.  Media coverage: Scientific American, New Scientist, The Washington Post’s Wonkblog, Council on Foreign Relations' Energy, Security, and Climate Blog

The effect of natural gas supply on retail electricity prices (with Karen Palmer, Dallas Burtraw, and Blair Beasley). RFF Issue Brief 12-05. 2012. [Blog post]

The variability of potential revenue from a tax on carbon (with Karen Palmer and Anthony Paul). RFF Issue Brief 12-03. 2012.

Supply curves for conserved electricity (with Anthony Paul and Karen Palmer). RFF Discussion Paper 11-11. 2011.