Moot Court Guide

"A lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth."

— Patrick Murray

This Moot Court Guide provides a comprehensive framework for creating an engaging, dynamic, and demanding course for undergraduate studnets in constitutional law, called a Moot Court Seminar. Moot Court seminars can be adapted to a variaty of topics. Below, I provide sample syllabi for an Equal Protection course and a Church and State course.

Click the Instructor Guide to get started setting up your own Moot Court Seminar.

Student Praise for Moot Court Seminars

"The moot court as constructed here is perhaps the best learning space on campus, as it requires individuals to construct strong, coherent, consistent arguments."

"The moot court classes forced creative thinking and decisions. It required one to present coherent logic to support one's opinions. And, because of the teamwork aspect of those days, one really had to step into their best."

"The moot court style of the class forces everyone to have a great depth of knowledge about the subject, which makes us grow toward being experts on the subject."

"The moot courts are always intense but very rewarding."

"The moot court, while extremely stressfull, really helped me become a better speaker and a better, more concise writer."

"The moot court, particularly the ability to do two oral arguments over the course of the semester, greatly improved my public speaking ability."