
"If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research."

— commonly attributed to Albert Einstein

Hall, Matthew E.K., and James N. Druckman. 2023. “Norm-Violating Rhetoric Undermines Support for Participatory Inclusiveness and Political Equality Among Trump Supporters.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(40):e2311005120. [PDF] [Replication Data]

Solomon, Brittany C., and Matthew E.K. Hall. In press. “When (Non)Differences Make a Difference: The Roles of Demographic Diversity and Ideological Homogeneity in Overcoming Ideologically Biased Decision-Making.” Organization Science 34(5):1820-1838. [PDF]

Solomon, Brittany C., Matthew E.K. Hall, and Cindy Muir. 2022. “When and Why Bias Suppression is Difficult to Sustain: The Asymmetric Effect of Intermittent Accountability.” Academy of Management Journal. [PDF] [Replication Data]

Solomon, Brittany C., Matthew E.K. Hall, Cindy Muir, and Elizabeth Campbell. Forthcoming. “Why Disagreeableness (in Men) Leads to Earning More: A Theory and Test of Social Exchange at Home.” Personnel Psychology. [PDF]

Dahl, Matthew, Devan N. Patel, and Matthew E.K. Hall. 2021. “The Dogma Within? Examining Religious Bias in Private Title VII Claims.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 18(4):742-764. [PDF]

Hall, Matthew E.K., Gary E. Hollibaugh, Jr., Jonathan D. Klingler, and Adam J. Ramey. 2021. “Considerations in Personality Measurement: Replicability, Transparency, and Predictive Validity.” Journal of Law and Courts 9(2):397-405. [PDF]

Hall, Matthew E.K., Gary E. Hollibaugh, Jr., Jonathan D. Klingler, and Adam J. Ramey. 2021. “Attributes Beyond Attitudes: Measuring Personality Traits on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Journal of Law and Courts 9(2):345-368. [PDF] [Replication Data] [Online Appendix

Sayer, Andrew, Melanie Hess, and Matthew E.K. Hall. 2021. “Affirming the District Judge: An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of District Court Judges Sitting by Designation on Circuit Court Panels.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 18(2):461-484. [PDF]

Manzi, Lucia, and Matthew E.K. Hall. 2017. “Friends You Can Trust: A Signaling Theory of Interest Group Litigation before the U.S. Supreme Court.” Law & Society Review 51(3):704-734. [PDF]

Khun, James, Matthew E.K. Hall, and Kristen Macher. 2017. “Holding Versus Dicta: Divided Opinion Control on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Political Research Quarterly 70(2):257-268.  [PDF] [Replication Data]

Hall, Matthew E.K. 2017. “Macro Implementation: Testing the Causal Paths from U.S. Macro Policy to Federal Incarceration.” American Journal of Political Science 61(2):438-455. [PDF] [Replication Data]

“The Role of Emotional Language in Briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court,” with Ryan C. Black, Ryan J. Owens, and Eve Ringsmuth. 2016. Journal of Law and Courts 4(2):377-407. [PDF]

"Judicial Review as Limit on Government Domination: Reframing, Resolving, and Replacing the (Counter)Majoritarian Difficulty." 2016. Perspectives on Politics 14(2):391-409. [PDF]

"Estimating Dynamic Ideal Points for State Supreme Courts," with Jason H. Windett and Jeffrey J. Harden. 2015. Political Analysis 23(3):461-469.  [PDF] [Replication Data]

"Judicial Majoritarianism," with Joseph Daniel Ura. 2015. Journal of Politics 77(3):818-832. [PDF] [Replication Data]

"Holding Steady on Shifting Sands: Countermajoritarian Decision Making in the U.S. Courts of Appeals," with Justin Kirkland and Jason Harold Windett. 2015. Public Opinion Quarterly 79(2):504-523. [PDF]

"Understanding Judicial Power: Divided Government, Institutional Thickness, and High Court Influence on State Incarceration," with Jason Harold Windett. 2015. Journal of Law and Courts 3(1):167-191. [PDF]

"Testing Judicial Power: The Influence of the U.S. Supreme Court on Federal Incarceration." 2015. American Politics Research 43(1):83-108. [PDF]

"The Semiconstrained Court: Public Opinion, the Separation of Powers, and the U.S. Supreme Court's Fear of Nonimplementation." 2014. American Journal of Political Science 58(2):352-366. [PDF] [Replication Data]

"New Data on State Supreme Court Cases," with Jason Harold Windett. 2013. State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13(4): 427-445. [PDF] [Replication Data]

"Keeping the Outliers in Line: Judicial Review of State Laws by the U.S. Supreme Court," with Ryan C. Black. 2013. Social Science Quarterly 94(2):995-409. [PDF]

"Rethinking Regime Politics." 2012. Law & Social Inquiry 37(4):878-907. [PDF]

"Randomness Reconsidered: Modeling Random Judicial Assignment in the U.S. Courts of Appeals." 2010. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 7(3):574-89. [PDF]

"Experimental Justice: Random Judicial Assignment and the Partisan Process of Supreme Court Review." 2009. American Politics Research 37(2):195-226. [PDF]

“Bringing Down Brown: Super Precedents, Myths of Rediscovery and the Retroactive Canonization of Brown v. Board of Education.” 2010. Journal of Law and Policy 18(2):655-700. [PDF]