~ Software applications


Source Forge massive collection of open-source software apps

OpenOffice open-source productivity software, compatible with Microsoft Office files

PDFsam handy and free little app for splitting and merging PDFs

VLC multimedia player excellent media player

Ecological modeling

Ecology Software Clearinghouse Deihl and Larkin, University of Illinois Natural History Survey

EcoSim community ecological modeling, Entsminger and Gotelli

EcoTools open-source ecological modeling, Entsminger and Gotelli

Netica development of Bayesian network models

OpenBUGS open-source software for fitting Bayesian models

PopTools Microsoft Excel extension for demographic modeling, CSIRO, Australia

Patuxent Software Archive software for analysis of ecological data, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

Program DISTANCE Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment

Program MARK Gary White, Colorado State University

Program PRESENCE Daryll MacKenzie, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

WinBUGS software for fitting Bayesian models

WINE open-source application for running Windows software on Mac OS X

Vortex population viability analysis, B. Lacey

R free and open-source statistics software

AICcmodavg model selection with information criteria, and model averaging, M. Mazerolle.

glmulti model selection with information criteria, V. Calcagno

lme4 generalized linear mixed-effects models, D. Bates and M. Maechler

popbio matrix models of population growth, sensitivity, and elasticity, C. Stubben, B. Milligan, and P. Nantel

R CRAN source for most R packages

unmarked model occupancy, abundance, density, and other parameters with count data from unmarked animals, I. Fiske, R. Chandler, and J. Royle


Garmin Application down/uploads GPS data, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Geospatial Modelling Environment ArcMap extension with user-friendly geospatial tools, Hawthorne Beyer

Hawth's Analysis Tools ArcMap extension with user-friendly geospatial tools, Hawthorne Beyer

Magnetic Declination Computer estimates magnetic compass declination, NOAA

Open source GIS:



Quantum GIS