Media Appearance


5 Articles en 5 Minutes (PSE): A representative voting system: Approval Voting, jointly with Antonin Macé and François Durand :(see here).


5 Articles en 5 Minutes (PSE): A (theoretical) procedure to resolve a conflict between two people, jointly with Jean-François Laslier and Remzi Sanver :(see here).


LIBOR: elections, manipulations and a possible fix, The Conversation, February 25th 2018 , 

jointly with Dimitrios Xefteris (see here).


Vers la fin du scrutin majoritaire à deux tours? Libération, le 20  avril 2017 . Jérôme Lang, Jean-FrançoisLaslier, Antoinette Baujard, Sébastien Courtin, Thibault Gajdos, Frédéric Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim, Jean Lainé , Annick Laruelle, Isabelle Lebon, Vincent Merlin, Matías Núñez, Agnieszka Rusinowska, Maurice Salles, Remzi Sanver and Karine Van der Straeten (see here).