MTH 420 (Algebraic number theory)
This is a course webpage of MTH 420; an undergraduate course on algebraic number theory. Please read the course template for text-books and other important information about the course. This is a 4 credit course.
Grading :
- Mid-Semester Exams-35%
- End-Semester Exams-35%.
3. Class tests (2):-15%+15%.
Please note that there will not be any repeat class tests.
Recommended Reading:
- Number fields-Marcus
- Algebraic number theory (Neukirch).
- Algebraic theory of numbers-Pierre Samuel
- Problems in algebraic number theory: Esmonde and Ram Murty
1. Class test I on 17/1/20.
2. Class test II on 7/2/20.
3. Mid-sem on 22/2/2020.
4. Class room shifted to Google classroom. Please check details in the email.
MTH 410 (Galois theory)
Class timing:
Mon-5-5.55 pm
Tue-5-5.55 pm
Friday-12-12.55 pm
Class room:-
Plan of the course:-
Week 1
03/01/2020-What is algebraic number theory?
Recall the definition of Euclidean domain, UFD, PID (Dummit and Foot)
Week 2
6/1/20: Finite fields and it's automorphisms, Frobenius
7/1/20: Legendre symbols and law of quadratic reciprocity. Ref: Esmonde and Ram Murty
10/1/20: Tutorial. Assignment 1 uploaded (please see at the end of the page).
Week 3
13/1/20: Integral elements. Definition, basic properties and examples of Integral elements.
14/1/20: Ring of integers of number fields, non-degenerate bilinear forms. O_K is free!
17/1/20: Class test I; Assignment 2 uploaded.
Week 5
20/1/20:Trace induces a non-degnerate bilinear form, O_K is free (again), other properties of O_K.
21/1/20: Discriminants:- Definition and basic properties of the Discriminants.
24/1/20: Tutorial: Assignment 3 uploaded.
Week 6
27/1/20: Finding integral basis of O_K
28/1/20: Dedekind domains:- Definition, examples and counter examples of Dedekind domains.
31/1/20:Tutorial; Assignment 4 uploaded.
Week 7
3/2/20: Fractional ideals and it's unique factorization.
4/2/20: Recall chinese Remainder theorem. The formula n=\sum_i^r e_i f_i
7/2/20: Class test II. Assignment 5 uploaded.
Week 8
10/2/20: Recall the wonderful formula n=\sum_i^r e_i f_i; Towards Dedekinds' theorem
11/2/20: How to find e_i, f_i, r in the wonderful formula as above.
14/2/20: Tutorial
Weak M
17/2/20: Recap/ tutorial
18/2/20: Recap
22/2/20: Mid-sem
Week 9
28/2/20: Mid-sem exam questions discussion.
Week 10
02/03/20: Fractional ideals and finiteness of class groups (Marcus's proof).
03/03/20: Minkowski's Lattice point theorem
06/03/20:Assignment 6 uploaded, Tutorial
Week 11
09/03/20: Non-teaching day.
10/03/20: Holi (Holiday)
13/03/20: How to calculate class groups.
Week 12
Classes suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Week 13
Classes suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Class room shifted to Google classroom. Please check details in the email.
Week 14:
12/05/2020 at 5 pm :Dirichlet's unit theorem.
Week 15
19/05/2020 at 5 pm: Decomposition groups and inertia groups.
Week 16
26/05/20:Introduction to \Q_p and \Z_p
Week 15
02/06/20: Infinitude of primes, Riemann and Dedekind Zeta functions and class number formula
Week 16
09/06/20: Revision
Week 17: