Algebraic number theory, January 2024

his is a course webpage of MT3224; an undergraduate course on algebraic number theory. Please read the course template for text-books and other important information about the course. This is a 4 credit course. 

Venue-LHC 106

Grading :

3. Class tests (4):-10%+10%+10%+10%.

Recommended Reading:


30/01/2023: Class test 1. 

13/02/2023:Class test 2. 


Galois theory

Class timing:

Mon- 10 am

Tue-10 am

Wednesday-10 am

Plan of the course:-

Week 1

Week 2

Ring of integers of number fields, 

 Integral elements. Definition, basic properties and examples of Integral elements.


Week 3

Trace induces a non-degnerate bilinear form, O_K is free (again), other properties of O_K.

:Discriminants:- Definition and basic properties of the Discriminants.

Week 4

Finding integral basis of O_K

Integral basis of cyclotomic fields

Week 5

Dedekind domains:- Definition, examples and counter examples of Dedekind domains.

Fractional ideals and it's unique factorization.

Week 8

Recall Chinese Remainder theorem. The formula n=\sum_i^r e_i f_i

Recall the wonderful formula n=\sum_i^r e_i f_i; Towards Dedekinds' theorem


Weak 9

How to find e_i, f_i, r in the wonderful formula as above.

Week 10

Kummer's theorem and how to find factorization. 

Week 11

Primes ramify if and only if it divide the discriminant.

Week 12

Fractional ideals and finiteness of class groups (Marcus's proof).

Minkowski's Lattice point theorem

Week 11

How to calculate class groups.

Week 12:

Dirichlet's unit theorem.

Week 13

Decomposition groups and inertia groups.