Teaching and supervising

At the University of Lille since 2021 :

Director of the Data Platform of the University of de Lille (PUDL) since September 2021, https://pudl.meshs.fr/

Teaching at University of Lille (2021-) :


Short thematic courses in other universities:

« Women and employment policies », Master 2, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (January 2021, February 2020)

« Maternity, gender and careers », University Paris Diderot (October 2018, October 2017, May 2017)

« The economic programme of the FN », University Toulouse Jean Jaurès, (February 2017)

« Employment and work quality in Europe », University Rennes 2 (April 2016)

Previously (2007-2021 in Cnam, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne…) :

 Head of the Master's programme in Economics ‘Economic strategies, digitalisation and data’

Supervising dissertations of Master 2 students


Data analysis and firm’s strategies (Master 2, 2015-2021), Cnam

Innovation, work and employment (Master 2, 2019-2021), Cnam

Mobility and transitions on the labour market: recent trends (Master 1, 2019-2021), Cnam

International economic relations (Master 2, 2016-2021), Cnam

Methodology and search of information (Master 2, 2019-2021), Cnam

Economic policies and strategies in a global economy (3rd year Undergraduate, 2013-2020), Cnam

Microeconomics (1st year Undergraduate, 2013-2019), Cnam

Macroeconomics (2nd year Undergraduate, 2013-2015), Cnam

Gender economics, (Teaching Assistant, 3rd year Undergraduate), 2012-2013, Sciences Po Paris

Econometrics (Teaching Assistant 3rd year Undergraduate), 2012-2013, Université Paris-Est Créteil

Macroeconomics (2nd year Undergraduate), European economic policies (2nd year Undergraduate), Introduction to Economics (1st year Undergraduate), Methodology in Economics (1st year Undergraduate), Microeconomics (1st year Undergraduate), 2007-2012, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Teaching Assistant)